You’ve Heard it Before –

Things always seem simpler in retrospect. When the decision has been made, and you’re onto bigger and more complicated puzzles, you long for a simple issue to solve.

Well, a problem can be made less complex by simply finding more information and seeking the appropriate assistance. So, when it comes to making decisions regarding your home, who do you seek for help?

If you don’t know all that much about basement finishing, then it is definitely in your best interest to seek a professional basement finishing contractor.

Before you take a giant leap into that big investment, make sure you continue reading to learn about the basement finishing process and the best kinds of products that a contractor should offer to you!

My Basement is Already Finished

If you are thinking that reading through this article completely would be a waste of your time because you already have finished basement, well, you would be sadly mistaken. Not to be the bearer of bad news, but, sometimes contractors don’t like to do the job right the first time.

Is your basement still giving you trouble with that musty smell and water damage? But, how?! Your basement has been beautifully remodeled.

There is a difference between remodeling a basement and using waterproof materials to finish a basement. Oh, and just because a basement has been remodeled using waterproof products does not mean moisture will not enter your basement, nor does it mean that mold cannot grow.

How Water or Moisture Can Enter

Water can come into your basement because of a pipe bursting, because of a crack or opening in a staircase or doorjamb, and if your upstairs level is flooding then your basement will most likely flood as well.

Not just water, but condensation can still occur within a finished basement, even a waterproof basement. When the air outside your home is hot and humid, and the air inside your basement is a bit cooler, you can expect to find some condensation. Thus you can also expect to find some mold. How does condensation develop because of what is happening outside your home? Well, it is the interaction between the outside weather and the conditions inside your basement. By the basement being even one degree cooler than the outside humid air, it actually increases the humidity within the basement by 2.2 percent.

Now, mold is a result of condensation, how does that work?

Mold loves to live in an environment where there is moisture in the air, and where there is plenty of organic material to feed upon. So, if your basement is cooling the outside humid air, then you will most definitely be finding some mold growing in your basement. And, odds are, it will be growing on the wood, drywall, or other organic materials you have in your basement. Organic means that it was once living, or was a part of something living.

Waterproof Your Basement First

Before you even think of remodeling your basement, fix those problems that are the instigators behind why your basement gets flooded.

These problems could range from a leak to a broken pipe. You can install the following waterproofing products to help ensure that your basement is secure and waterproof.

* Install a full drainage system that will direct any resting water into an underground drain.
* Install a sump pump system that will pump any water out of your basement and out into your yard, far from your home’s foundation. Be sure to have a back up battery so that there is no way for the pump to stop pumping your basement.
* Install a vapor barrier on your walls and floors so that they are separated from the ground.
* Fix any leaking windows, cracks, or other broken products.

After making these upgrades you can then begin looking into cialis cheap finishing your basement. While you are looking to remodel your basement you must make sure that you do not purchase any organic materials. As previously discussed, mold loves to feed and grow on organic products. So, instead of using drywall, carpet, wood, leather, or any paper products, you should purchase waterproof wall paneling and flooring that will protect against water damage, bowing, staining, and mold growth.

Now That You’re Informed

Since you now understand that your basement must first be waterproofed before remodeled, and that it should only be finished with inorganic waterproof materials, you are ready to jump into your investment.

Author Bio: If you are in the Delaware or Maryland area and want to finish your basement, or waterproof your basement, contact Total Basement Finishing by DryZone. It offers basement waterproofing in Delaware and in Maryland. To find the perfect Delaware basement remodeling company contact TBF by DryZone today.

Category: Home/Home Improvement
Keywords: basement finishing, basement remodeling, mryland basement finishing

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