Our Conscious and Subconscious Mind

Have you tried to change a bad habit, or try to motivate yourself, only to find out something deep inside your mind resisting? A basic law of the mind is working here: whenever the conscious and subconscious mind is at odds, your subconscious usually wins. This is the law of conflict.

People usually change their habits through will power or through self-discipline. While they do work in some cases, most of us fail miserably. Logic works well with the conscious mind, but it often does not with the subconscious. Meditation or subconscious programming helps the subconscious mind. The conscious and subconscious mind displays different aspect of our mind.

Dynamic meditation is a simple process that most of us can do. It doesn’t cost much or require too much effort, yet the outcome is persuasive. It simply combines suggestion and imaginative visualization in a relaxed state of mind. The first thing to do is simply get to relax and imagine the desired traits or circumstance. This is combined with affirmation or suggestion constructed in present tense.

To understand how the conscious and subconscious mind works, first we must understand the 4 states of the mind. We are in what is called the beta state for almost all of our waking hours. Our mind radiates these waves when we think, reason or engaged in some problem solving. As our brain waves slow down, we enter what is called the alpha state of mind. The portal in our conscious and subconscious mind is opened. This allows access to memories and storing new information. This is also often regarded as meditative state, in which the mind and body become so relaxed. We are also at our most suggestible state.

Below the two types of conscious states is the theta, this is the dream state, and delta, which is basically us in deep sleep or unconscious. At alpha and theta state our words have extremely increased power. These are the two areas where controlled meditation is focused.

Why does controlled meditation work on the conscious and subconscious mind? There are six reasons as the Rules of The Mind as professed by the late Charles Tebbets.

First, every thought or idea causes a physical reaction. The mind has the capability to make you sick or keep you healthy. Ideas with a strong emotional component almost will reach the subconscious mind.

Second, what’s expected to happen tends to be realized. The brain and the entire nervous system responds only to mental images, whether self-induced or from the surroundings. The image formed becomes the template, and the conscious and subconscious mind carries out the thought.

Third, Imagination rules. Imagination overcomes knowledge when dealing with the mind. Ideas accompanied by a strong emotion state like anger or love cannot be modified through reason.

Fourth, Conflicting ideas cannot be kept simultaneously. Many people try to hold opposing ideas at the same time.

Fifth, Once an idea has been accepted by the conscious and subconscious mind, it will remain until another idea comes to fore. The longer an idea is held, the more it takes a hold of the mind. Forming into a habit or belief system .

Sixth, Emotionally induced sign tends to cause physical change if held onto long enough. Brand Cialis We are a mind in a body and just like the conscious and subconscious mind the two cannot be separated.

This simple and safe process of controlled meditation combined with faith, hope, and passion, this allows for a healthier conscious and subconscious mind.

Author Bio: Click Here to get your Free ‘Ultimate Success Unleashed’ Subliminal Cd and supercharge your success. Greg Frost is an authority in the subliminal industry for many years and has helped thousands of individuals worldwide to attain their dreams and goals with his subliminal messaging cds.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: conscious and subconscious mind, subconscious programming, subconscious mind, dynamic meditation

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