Shin Splints – How To Get Pain Relief

Shin splints are a common injury for both beginner and avid runners. However, those who play soccer, do aerobics or like to take a stroll in the park are just as likely to sustain this same type of injury. In this article I will address some of the common causes of shin pain as well as provide some prevention techniques.

The Pain that You Can’t Stretch Away

Shin splints Kamagra may be used to describe a lot of other lower leg problems, but it generally refers to a condition called Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS). Shin splints are caused by an inflammation of the tendons near the tibia, one of the long shin bones. Another possible cause is a pulling of the periosteum, which is a thin coating on bones, while running or doing aggressive walking.

The pain tends be centrally located on the front part of the lower leg, right below the knee. Shin splints usually start out as a dull pain with some discomfort at the beginning of the workout and reappear towards the end of the workout. One of the distinctive telltale signs of this injury are lumps and bumps along the tibia caused by inflammation.

How Come Stretching Before My Run Isn’t Helping?

For those who are runners, shin splints tend to come on when distance is increased rapidly or during an intense workout. The increased strain on the muscles leads to intensified inflammation. Leaving it alone or cutting back on your workouts may lessen or cause the inflammation to go away, but when the workouts resume, it will come back with a vengeance. Some other causes include rolling the ankle while running or walking, tight calf muscles, a tight Achilles tendon or weak ankle muscles.

What Can I do to Correct this Problem?

1. If you are experiencing either overpronation (excessive inward rolling of the ankle) or oversupination (excessive outward rolling of the ankle), find running shoes which are suitable for treating the imbalance. Seeking out a good podiatrist or footwear salesman who can take a look at your gait and provide good recommendations is highly recommended.

2. If you are experiencing shin splints as you increase your mileage, then following this rule: distances should not increase by more than 10% per week. The running surface may also be to blame as well for your shin splints; avoid running on concrete and opt for either tarmac, grass or sand where there is more shock absorption for your legs.

3. The best method to treat shin splints is to use the RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This should be done within the first 48 to 72 hours from sustaining the injury to ensure the best chance for a full recovery.

4. Taking the time to warm up and stretch prior to your workout or run is essential to prevent any tears or injuries that can occur when exercising on stiff and cold muscles and tendons. Yoga therapy exercises can help stretch the calf muscle and Achilles tendon. Self massage of the calf muscle using a self massage tool like a rubber ball or foam roller will also assist in relieving pain.

Shin splints may cause a setback on your running or workout progress, but taking the steps to look at the causes and preventing the problem will be beneficial in the long run.

Author Bio: Tia Ukpe is a Certified Yoga Tune Up® Teacher. Experience yoga fitness exercises that help you live better in your body!

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: shin splints,shin pain,shin pain exercise,shin stretch,yoga stretch,yoga therapy,yoga exercise

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