A Guide to Healthy Dessert Recipes That Still Taste Good

Perhaps you shudder and cringe whenever you hear the word “dessert” because it conjures up images of fatty, creamy delicacies which make you salivate but make your waistline bulge? Do you think it unfair that the most heavenly desserts are those, which are the most fattening?

Actually, it is possible to make scrumptious dessert recipes, which are healthy and very low in calories and fat. If you know about dessert history, you will know that desserts have been enjoyed all over the world for thousands of years.

The First Dessert Recipes

Different cultures have different kinds of dessert recipes. Honey is frequently used in Greek desserts. Lotus, sesame, and red beans feature in many Japanese desserts. The Aztecs were the first to transform cacao beans into chocolate. Cheese is served as a dessert in a lot of cultures and ice cream can be traced back to 4 BC.

Our cooking ancestors obviously did not have access to such treasures as Splenda or sugar free jello but they did well with what they had. They did not have information about health issues or the side effects of obesity either but then they were more active and burnt off more calories than we do!

Sugar Free Jello for Healthy Dessert Recipe Ideas

A healthy dessert does not have to be bland or boring. Perhaps an apple cut into eight wedges is not the most exciting dessert you can think of and thanks to new food technology such as sugar free sweeteners you can do better without consuming more calories.

A bowl of fifteen strawberries covered with sugar free strawberry jello has the same amount of calories as an apple but makes a bigger, more satisfying, and more interesting dessert. Sugar free jello is really versatile and you can do plenty with it.

You do not have to make sugar free desserts only if you want to eat more healthily. A balanced diet is the healthiest way to eat and if you eat healthily most of the time, an occasional indulgent dessert is not going to do you any harm.

There are many different healthy jello desserts and you can use nuts or fruit in jello recipes too, for texture and flavor. You might think that a jello cake recipe sounds like an unhealthy option but by using sugar free jello and replacing the sugar in the cake with artificial sweetener, you are halving the calories right away without changing the taste of the finished cake!

If you are keen to eat healthy foods but you do not like going without sweet treats, why not dust off your jello molds and get creative. It is possible to enjoy delicious dessert recipes without gaining weight. Sugar free jello tastes just like original jello and you can make plenty of different recipes with it and experiment with the many different flavors.

In fact it is a one for one swap in most case of sugar free for regular jello so you can use Grandma’s old recipe for jello salad and make it healthier if you are watching your sugar intake. Be creative and experiment and you will open a whole new avenue of desserts open to you.

Author Bio: If you’re ready to start whipping up some deliciously decadent desserts, why not have a look at the wide selection of scrumptious jello dessert recipes at our site for some ideas to get you started? We have jello pudding recipes, jello cheesecake recipes, seasonal jello recipes and the best jello making tips. http://www.JelloRecipes.net – We Don’t Make the Products We Just Make Great Desserts with Them!

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: sugar free,sugar free jello,healthy dessert,dessert recipes,healthy dessert recipes

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