Keys to Writing a Sucessful Government Tender

Governments use many products and services they do not make or provide themselves. Such services and products are supplied by private businesses. The process of government tender proposal and evaluation was instituted to make the awarding of government tenders fair to all who submit proposals.

The government tender provides a much need infusion of cash and a boost to the business that is awarded the tender. However, it is not as simple to get a government tender as saying; “I will do this,” you must also write a proposal. A proposal outlines your timeline, pricing, and reasoning that you are the best business for that project. Governments usually receive many proposals since they provide much needed business, so how do you make a successful tender proposal?

Successful government tenders are succinct, compelling, addresses all the tender’s requirements. You want your tender to be outstanding and to catch the eye out of many others. In short, you want to make the short list and have your tender awarded serious consideration.

Writing successful government tenders requires time and skill. All problems and issues must be addressed by the proposal. A proposal can be tedious as every detail must be outlined and the proposal should be compelling. Writing, rewriting and rewording of the tender proposal may be necessary. Now, after all that work you might be surprised to know that only 1 in 5 government tenders are successfully won. Meaning you must in essence do that 5 times. Surely not, you have better things to do with your time as does your staff.

Government tender proposal writing is not a process even the most organized of businesses tackle lightly. Professional help with government tender proposal writing can increase your chances of success with a government tender proposal. Staff training can increase their productivity and tender proposal success as well.

Understanding first what the evaluation panel will look for and how to present this complicated document in a way that will bring your points and that of your business home, requires some specific skills and experience. A single point forgotten can cause a government proposal to fail to stand out enough for serious consideration.

The solution is most generally to employ a government tenders or proposal writing team with experience and a proven success rate. If you have dedicated staff to write your own proposals then training for the staff can improve your success ratio and hence optimize the productivity of your team.

Even the best of copywriters and most astute businesspersons do not always have the skills immediately to make that tender proposal a success.

The success rate of tender proposals can be improved by the use of solutions such as tender writing reviews, tender writing training, tender writing consulting, or tender writing editing. Once you have developed a good tender writing template you can proceed with confidence and modify it with ease each time you are tendering. This is what makes a business successful is efficient use of time and resources.

Author Bio: Maurice Downing is a leading expert in tender proposal writing submission process of government tenders. When you work with Corfocus its like working with the Chair of the Evaluation Panel before the tenders close. Check out our range of services that will help you win more government business.

Category: Business
Keywords: government tender,tender proposal,government tender proposal,tender writing,government tenders

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