MLM Europe: ACN – a Fastgrowing Team of Great Reps With a Great Company Behind It

Just to be clear, ACN is a great company however I am not a representative and I will not forward you to any particular person. This is only my review of how ACN is doing (specially in Europe) and why I think ACN is a great company.

Today I will go into one of the companies here in Europe that is a growing at a steady pace. Obviously not only in Europe, ACN started out in the US however I would like to focus on Europe today.

ACN Headquarters here in Europe is based in Amsterdam just a 10 minute bike-ride from my apartment. I have been there several times, and yes, have been to a presentation and actually started with the business. I had a great mentor for the two weeks I was in the company until I ran into iLearningGlobal and fell in love… Shame that didn’t take that long…

I have some really close friends working at ACN headquarters and I know that specially the customer service behind their products is great. This is obviously very important since service is always the base of the foundation of the companies’ success.

Many new reps in ACN love the products and love the great value they can offer the customers. Specially the videophone is a great product and in most countries very new and a perfect way to get more and more people interested.

Marketing the ACN products is quite easy since customers and companies can save a lot of Euro’s or Dollars by using the services offered. Besides that, because of the service level many European customers are very surprised because the general CS in Europe needs to learn A LOT. Yes, the American Customer Service level that is being offered really helps building the business.

To build your business in ACN (and any other MLM company) it is important to offer your team members a good training in both product and marketing. Training in product is in any network marketing relatively easy however many MLM lovers come to me how to handle the marketing.

This is why it is important to be able to offer your team not only a product training and let them make a list of people to call and harass their family and friends but actually help them build themselves as a leader.

As I said I had a great mentor within ACN, probably the best motivator I have ever met however very much old school. Make a list of all the people you know or know you and then call them to ask if they need a lower phone bill. Of course this is great however we all know that specially in this business you want to build your team and work towards financial freedom.

So you need a system that is duplicable, a marketing system, a step by step blueprint to becoming an MLM (Internet) Marketing Pro. The idea is that by becoming an MLM Marketing Pro people will follow you. People follow leaders. This concept is called Attraction Marketing.

So ask yourself this question: What do the people really need, what are they looking for when they would start a part-time business?

Do you think they are looking to start a business? Do you think they are looking for more money? Or could it be they are they looking for freedom? Freedom of buying more stuff, freedom of not having to work, freedom to choose WHO they want to work with?

When people buy a drill, do they want a drill, or do they want a hole?

Another question:

When there are ten ACN reps in a row and nine of them are carrying a white sign saying: “THIS IS MY OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU, IT IS GREAT AND IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH”


Which rep would you choose? I hope you understand now what who you need to become…

As always, thank you for supporting my site!

Remco de Vries
“Online Attraction Marketing” Mentor

Author Bio: Online Attraction Marketing Mentor Remco de Vries is now sharing his experiences and knowledge to help others creating lasting wealth and abundance online. Click here to Conquer the Internet by using his easy step by step Marketing System.

Category: Business
Keywords: Europe ACN, MLM Europe ACN, ACN Products, ACN Services, ACN System, online marketing pro

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