Promotional Coffee Mugs Will Boost Your Business

Nothing fancy, just a simple, durable coffee mug. But whatever is lacking in decorative details, promotional coffee mugs are coveted because they perfectly suit the current demands of our hectic, nocturnal lifestyle.

From the rising of the sun till the wee of the morning, where coffee is indispensable for want of a perk up, so is a handy coffee mug. We know of some early risers and night owls who cannot call it “life” without their filled-up coffee mugs beside them.

Because the demands are high, promotional product suppliers carry a large selection of promotional coffee mugs, from the overly simple to the highly stylized – the latter is for want of extra individuality, especially when rewarded to well-appreciated individuals in the organization.

Strike while the coffee is hot! Businesses promoting their brands ought to take a shot at the chance to give their businesses a boost – akin to a kick of espresso, by using promotional coffee mugs as an advertising medium. Of course, promotional coffee mugs have been here for quite some time now, but there are ways to put a spin to the usual, veering away from the common coffee mugs sealed with a company logo – and nothing more.

When popular coffee shops extend their selling to include promotional coffee merchandise, coming up with exclusively designed flasks, mugs and canisters, businesses can do well by following suit. Make some mark on a nice mug and make it good – interestingly, curiously good, for jaded coffee-drinkers to notice.

A logo is always nice, and we are telling you to never miss on your icon, ever. But never stop there. You can request your promotional products supplier to print short quotations or niceties, where the coffee mug actually “speaks” like a good coffee buddy. How about a neat reminder: Call someone and say “I Love You.” And while our coffee drinker contemplates on things, he might actually consider checking out your product. By this time, he is already drawn over. If this is a little far-out, marketing people says otherwise.

Promotional travel coffee mugs are also on the running. Compared to a promotional coffee mug that is content to stay on top of a hardbound, in a cold cubicle somewhere, travel mugs can be a fun way to spread the word about your business. And because this coffee mugs are bound to catch flights, run after subways and sip-and-go, be sure that you are particular about secured lids and fitted handles. Otherwise, a spill-of-a-mishap will be taken against your brand.

It works best if you maximize whatever little space is provided in the promotional coffee mug. That means have both sides printed. Your logo and brand name emblazoned on the other side, and the details about your business/product, especially the contact details, and list of services printed on the other side.

Be very keen on your choice of color for your promotional coffee mugs. By looking around, you can tell what colors are common and dreary. Coffee mugs in washed-out white can appear sterile they could be mistaken for a chip of the wall or a handy measuring cup. Work out a vivid color that will complement the color of your logo and text designs.

Author Bio: Yildiray Gazi, Owner Of Rave On Promotions, is a proud and leading supplier of printed promotional products in Australia with a vast range of quality items that can be printed or decorated to assist you in your next promotion or marketing program.

Category: Business
Keywords: promotional products, business promotional products, custom promotional products

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