Learn to Play Bass Guitar

How many strings does a guitar have? The most popular response would probably be six. That is because, when asked, many people envision the six string acoustic or electric guitar. There are, however, guitars that have four, seven, eight, ten, eleven, twelve, and eighteen strings.

Guitars have been a part of the music scene for a long time. The ancestry of the guitar actually goes back about four thousand years. The electric guitar was introduced in the 1930s, and the electric bass guitar had its debut in the 1950s. That pretty much makes the electric bass guitar one of the newer kids on the block.

The role of the bass guitar has changed since its inception back in the 1950s. The bass guitar was introduced to replace the “double bass” or “upright bass” as the bass instrument in the rhythm section of the bands of that era. Its place in modern bands is no longer just a supporting role. Bass players today must be able to play in time, outline the harmony and lay down a beat.

Maybe you are an experienced lead guitarist looking to make a transition and need to learn to play bass guitar, or you are a total beginner and want to learn to play bass guitar because you love the sound of the bass. Being a bass guitarist is very demanding and also very rewarding. If you realize this, now is the time to learn to play bass guitar.

If you want to learn to play bass guitar online, there are two ways that you can go. You can look around for free courses, or you can decide on buying a reasonably priced program. Unfortunately with free courses, you usually get what you paid for.

Although there are are many good programs that you can find online, there are a two programs that I would especially recommend. One program is a totally downloadable course and very affordable. The other program is a combination of DVD’s, books, and downloadable software, and is widely recognized as the best home instruction course for learning to play bass guitar available anywhere.

The downloadable program is called Jamorama, and it is an online course that is perfect for someone that wants to learn to play bass. This course is a comprehensive all-in-one program that can take anyone from the total beginner level to being an advanced guitarist. This is also a very good user friendly course for kids that want to learn to play bass.

Jamorama also offers you an introductory six part guitar course as a free trial that is perfect for all students regardless of their ability, You just click on your skill level and download it instantly. If the free trial is not enough of an incentive,they also offer a 60 day complete 100% refund if you decide for any reason that the program is not for you. That gives you over eight weeks to test drive the program.

The second program that I mentioned is called Learn and Master Guitar, and it is definitely the best guitar training course out there for someone that is really serious about learning guitar, and also the casual guitar player that is just looking for a hobby.

Although it is also not inexpensive, this particular program is worth the price, but it may not be appropriate for everyone. If you are seriously dedicated and want to learn to play bass guitar, this is the program for you.

If you are a parent with a child that wants to learn to learn to play bass guitar, this course may be a bit overwhelming and you might want to reconsider. However, the “Home School Edition” of the course is a great application if you plan on working along with your child.

Depending upon your needs, both courses will teach you everything you need to know to learn how to play, So, if you really want to save money, learn to play bass guitar, and do it quickly, take a look at Jamorama. If you are looking for something more serious, try Learn and Master Guitar.

Author Bio: For more detailed descriptions and reviews of these and other programs, please visit the Guitar Lessons Review website.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: learn to play bass guitar,Learn to Play Bass,Bass Guitar lessons for beginners

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