Archive for August, 2011

Body Wraps: New Fitness and Weight Loss

If you drink alcohol on a regular basis, smoke, eat sugar, drink caffeinated drinks, and take more salt in your diet, your body could be harboring a huge amount of toxins. Those impurities could prevent effective and natural weight loss by retaining more water in the body. Such toxins could also lead to other problems […]

The Importance of Fashion

Fashion nowadays is very important for a variety of reasons. Other people around you perceive you by the way you present yourself. Dressing up appropriately will help you give a good impression on others and people will see you as a person with high self-esteem. Fashion is very broad when it comes to tips available […]

Do What’s Important First, No Matter What

Often times, we are overloaded with little tasks everyday. Little bits of work can often overwhelm us and fill up or day. Usually we start by knowing the most important task we need to do for the day. And we have every intention of completing this work. But then the little tasks come in and […]

Why Am I Still Single? A Few Mistakes You Might Be Making

Some people often wonder why they “can’t find the right one”. Usually they think that the reason is that they don’t go out that much. And the only way to meet someone is that they need to get out more. There are far more deeper psychological reasons why you can’t find anyone. You need confidence. […]

Being Self Aware

From time to time, we can’t help but think what other people think of us. Sometimes when people tell us what they really think about us, we begin to question ourselves and in the process, we become unsure with ourselves. Understanding yourself is all about how you react to certain events in your life. These […]

Who Needs Motivation?

Motivation is described as the desire to achieve a goal by developing a goal oriented behavior. Where can one get motivation? It has been said that there are two sources where one can derive motivation. Intrinsically, meaning one derives motivation from one’s self, from the inside, from within. And factors would include results, situations, and […]

The Five Universal Rules to Happiness

There are a lot of rules to being happy. In fact, a lot of them apply in our daily lives. But when it all boils down to the basics, there are five rules that apply to everyone and everything in life. When applied, these rules will definitely bring happiness to us. Rule 1: Free your […]

The Law of Attraction in 5 Simple Steps

The idea that the universe is a giant living presence consisting of energy is where the law of attraction is based. That each ting in the universe is basically made up of the same thing. Separateness is usually blamed to the fact that energy vibrates at different frequencies. People can do a lot with this […]

How to Beat That Depression

It is a fact that depression can affect anybody. It’s not defined as to which age or gender it can affect. Depressed people have no control over the feeling of misery and despair and it can be a very scary experience for first time sufferers. people who often suffer from depression always have a feeling […]

Does Age Really Matter in a Relationship?

When people fall in love, they don’t necessarily take age into consideration. What usually matters for them is how they feel for that person. This is a fact which is dominant when it comes to males. Besides, asking a person you’re dating upfront about their age is considered to be rude. Their is a cliche […]