Unique Class Reunion

I have to set up a party, a get together with former classmates and old friends. I am up to something really enjoyable for us now that we are all grown ups. This is one tough task. I decided to ask help from the others who will also be attending the party. It is about to take place one day, on the rainy month of September. We are up to something; we will spend the rest of the entire day together, just like the old days. We are planning to meet up at 7am, reminiscing our typical day in school, we’ll be inviting some of our teachers, then. So it becomes tougher as we talk about how it will go. Especially that it is going to happen early in the morning, so it could never be in a bar with alcoholic drinks. Swimming? Uh-oh, I just said it could be raining because September falls on a rainy season, in the Philippines. Someone butt in an idea to start the day with a breakfast. And we all agreed to have it. And another suggested having all activities done in one venue to make it possible for us to really keep up with one another; of course, it’s a reunion, after all. Now it’s becoming like a real task.

I picked a venue which is too big to accommodate us all but affordable and without limitations. So we have all day to spend in a huge, four cornered activity hall usually rented for debuts and weddings. As we do the oculars, we have noticed Paintball Arena across the street, and an idea popped in my mind. Why not do something like that but it would be too messy for the venue we have chosen. So we entered the arena and we got a glimpse of what takes place inside. We talked to the one in-charge and found out that they are also open to holding parties inside. And what’s even perfect is that they have this hall, spacious enough but not as big as the our first option, that we could occupy also for the entire day at a very reasonable price. Paintball must be the answer to our earlier problem task. If only we have passed by earlier. We can hold the party there and no need for other activities because we have the entire day to go out and play. It would be okay to play with others too. No need for a pro to take care of the party, it will be just eating, paintballing, chatting and catching up. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be served. The teachers, with their age might not be able to play paintball anymore but with a setting like this, I am quite sure they would be seated comfortably with somebody else.

It is a good thing we have planned earlier this get-together-thing, at least before I be too old, I will be able to play Paintball with friends close to my heart. Catching up is another thing, it is what’s more important.

Author Bio: Mike regularly writes for ProlificPaintball.com, they carry such paintball equipment as Paintball Guns and the Invert Mini, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: Paintball Guns, Invert Mini

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