Vasectomy Reversal 101

The is certainly no slowing down the divorce rates in the country which stand at a steady 50% and if some magazines are to be believed this figure is expected to swell in the future. This simply means that you may be with a different person in future while you have the vasectomy procedure done with another partner. People have various reasons to look at a vasectomy reversal procedure; however, the most common reason is a change in partners. Then there are others, like the death of child, the desire to have more children after an improvement in the couple’s financial condition and even realizing that your religious tenets do not accept such a procedure. Whatever your reasons, if you would now like to change your mind about not having children in future; there is a way in the form of a vasectomy reversal surgery. So let’s talk about the basic of the procedure and how you can get it done.

Vasectomy: A vasectomy is an outpatient surgical procedure that involved the severance of the vas deferens tube; this tube is responsible for taking the sperms from the testes to the urogenital opening from where they travel to the woman’s cervix after ejaculation. The surgery is considered to be a permanent form of contraception so if you are not sure about the decisions to never have children in future it is highly recommended that you do not go for this procedure and stick to some of the other temporary forms of contraception. The surgery is fairly simple and most men are back to work and their normal rhythm of life within a week.

Vasectomy reversal: Now this is the exact opposite of the vasectomy procedure so in the reversal surgery the doctor tries to join the severed ends of the vas deferens to once again create a path for the sperms so that they can reach the woman’s vagina. This is also an outpatient procedure and even though the success rate of a reversal procedure is fairly high depending in the expertise of the surgeon who performed the original vasectomy and the reversal procedure; the fact remains that this is not a 100% success solution. Scores of couples have not been able to get pregnant even after the surgery and have had to resort to other means of conception such as IVF.

There are several factors that directly contribute to the success rate of the reversal procedure; for instance, one of them is your age. If you consider a reversal procedure in your late forties or early fifties you stand a lower chance of regaining fertility than a thirty year old man. Another factor that is very important in determining the success of the procedure is the amount of time that has lapsed since the vasectomy was done. If it has been one to three years since the original surgery, your chances of getting your fertility back are very high. However, if ten or more years have lapsed since the vasectomy there is increased risk of scarring and the surgeon may not be able to effectively join the vas deferens. Also, the longer you wait to get a reversal surgery; the higher will be your chances of developing sperm antibodies.

The procedure can be expensive at $10,000 and more; apart from these basic charges, you will also need to incur the expenditure of any additional tests done, post operation consultation and the anesthesiologist. The procedure can be performed under the influence of general or local anesthesia, either way; you will be prohibited from indulging in sexual activities including ejaculation for at least 4 weeks. There will be some tenderness and pain but your doctor will prescribe suitable analgesics. However, you need to understand that the cost of the surgery are not covered by insurance simply because the procedure is deemed as elective in nature so you will have to bear the cost out of your own pockets. You could choose a clinic that offers easy payment plants for fertility treatments. As a final word of caution, do not get your hopes too high before and after the surgery but remember that there are very good chances that you and your partner will be able to conceive naturally after the procedure.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a SEO consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading blog about Reversing Vasectomy blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility

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