Why Do We Need Faith?

There are many answers as to why we, as human beings, need faith. Some are short. Some are long. I’ll give you a short one. We need faith because we are not as smart as we think we are.

I know the limitations of my intelligence. I was not put on this earth to understand everything. How do I know this? It is obvious. My mind is incapable of understanding something that reason tells me has to be true. I know that I can never truly comprehend that space goes on forever.

As hard as I try, my human mind simply cannot comprehend that concept. I cannot comprehend how the sky can go on and on and never end. How can that be? Yet, what is the alternative? If you kept going, would you come to a brick wall, and then there would be nothing on the other side?

What little intelligence, reasoning, and logic I have been given in this life convinces me that the sky does continue; but also that I will never be able to fully grasp or understand it.

Yet….there certainly must be someone with much greater intelligence who created this world. This world is simply too beautiful, and too orderly for it to be some kind of an accident.

So, putting the two together, there must be a reason why I was put on this earth with such limited knowledge and intelligence.

Thankfully, we are not left without a guide for our thought process. Records have been kept of things that have transpired on this earth. We have been taught about God.

I feel very fortunate to have found my faith when I was just 13 years old. I believe I belong to my Savior’s Church. However, I also believe, and know from personal revelation, that he does not love me one bit more than the people on this earth who are not a member of His Church.

The teachings of Jesus Christ are simple- love God, keep his commandments, and love our neighbors. Once again, my earthy intelligence and reasoning tells me that this is the most important thing we can do. Nothing can be more important than loving and helping other people.

Life is hard. We all go through hardships. We all suffer, and cry, and feel heartbreak and pain.

There are two things that help. One is the love and support we get from other people, and the other thing is our faith.

Faith is the bridge to what we do not know. Faith is what comforts us when the only light we have is from the flicker of one candle.

Faith is what carries us when even friends and family turn their backs on us, and we are left alone.

Faith is important. To those who have not found faith, it will always seem silly to them. Faith is something you feel in your heart. It is like music, in that it penetrates deep into your heart into places you did not know exist.

When you put faith and music together, your soul has a “moment.”

From the pen of John Newton, comes that wonderful folk song of faith:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.

So while I am here on this earth, in such a limited capacity, I will lean on my faith. I am fortunate to know, the same as John Newton came to know, the ageless answer to the question… Why do we need faith?

Author Bio: About the Author: Nikki Willhite, mother of 3 and an interior design graduate,

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