Ghostwriting Doesn’t Mean Writing Like Someone Else

Upon hearing the word ghostwriting, what comes first into your mind? Do you think you have ever do such a task and to be also called as a ghostwriter just like any other online writers?

Some writers get their name emblazoned across their piece. Others, however, stay quietly in the background and allow someone else’s name to adorn what should have been their byline. Yep, they’re ghostwriters and it can be a lucrative business.

Most clients hire writers who will work online and in whatever topic they wanted these writers to make.

Sometimes, it is more about their businesses and its related sources or topics. Ghostwriters always write various essays, articles and other forms of writing with a different byline.

When their writing became a hit over the internet or in any reading materials, they will never get the credits since readers only appreciate the name of the author. Ghostwriters use a different name for the author of their work and therefore, they can’t claim it as theirs.

But on a positive side, many ghostwriters benefit greatly with their preferred task. And that is to earn a well-paid profit.

Whatever is your ghostwriting task is, whether you are going to write fiction or non-fiction contents, when someone hires you to write for them, that means to say you have to write according to your own skills and way of thinking. It is not writing just like someone else. No one will hire your just to copy the writing styles of other people.

There have been a lot of ghostwriters who worked online. They always market the internet.

Writing Like Someone Else

The biggest mistake inexperienced ghostwriters make is trying to write like the person they are ghostwriting for. While mimicry can work for some very talented writers, it’s a bust for most of us. If you go this route, it’s not uncommon to end up with stuffy, stilted prose, almost like you were thirteen and trying to sound like a writer you just read from a textbook.

Instead of doing that, it’s better to write like you normally would. That’s what good ghostwriters do. Produce the best type of material you can using your own voice and attribute it to someone else. A well-written piece that sounds different than the writer it’s attributed to is loads better than a poorly-written one that attempts to copy their style.

Changes, Changes

One reason why doing it your way makes sense is that clients will ask for changes according to their vision anyway. If they want it to be more reflective of their style, they’ll tell you exactly what needs to be remedied. It’s a positive for you, either way.

You Can Still Be Yourself

Even as a ghostwriter, you can still be yourself. There’s absolutely no need to be anything you’re not. Continue to let your voice shine through and use your customized writing software, as you would if it was your name in the byline. Your client will actually appreciate it.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: ghostwriter, ghostwriting, your writing voice

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