The Moon and Werewolves – is There a Connection?

How many scary movies have you seen where a normal looking person turns into a werewolf during a full moon night? This has become such a standard feature of a horror movie that any scene that is set during a full moon night will give you the jitters in anticipation. Have you ever wondered what the connection is in between the two? Is there really any scientific basis to the effect of the full moon on werewolves?

Scientists are emphatic in denying any scientific basis to the existence of werewolves. Although there are plenty of places in literature and movies, that cannot be taken as concrete evidence. However, there are certain circumstantial evidences that will give you an answer to the question whether the two are linked. Scientists have tried to give an explanation to the phenomenon of werewolves using modern insight and a healthy dose of disbelief.

They propose that the phenomenon of werewolves or lycanthropy has a very simple explanation. They could simply have been people with skin problems or hormonal imbalances that caused them to have a thick growth of hair all over their faces and bodies that resembled the pelt of a wild animal. If such people were to be born today, as indeed they are, they would get medical treatment and the matter would rest at that. In olden days, however, these unfortunate people were the object of horror and suspicion. They were treated as outcastes, and indeed, in some cases they were actually rejected by society. In such cases where they were not welcome at places of human habitation, they were forced to make their homes in the forest.

The connection of these so called wolf men with a full moon night came from the fact that they would venture out only at night because they were afraid of other people’s reaction to them. This was not surprising since the reaction normally ranged from rejection to outright violence. The ambient light of a full moon night is also very peculiar in that it can play tricks on the eyes. The light is not as clear as that of the sun and the images that one sees can be distorted because of the different quality of the light.

The full moon was also believed to have a lot of mystical powers and it was worshipped by the ancients. The awe that people held it in could have been responsible for them attributing it with supernatural powers in connection with werewolves. It is therefore easy to understand the connection between a full moon night and these mythical wolf men. There is also a definite connection between the size of the moon and human and animal behavior that is still not yet fully understood. The ancients did know enough about it to realize that it had the ability to alter people’s behavior.

Now that you have understood that there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for the supposed existence of werewolves, you might not enjoy a scary movie any more.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Moon Images, Moon Graphics or Moon Pictures.

Category: Advice
Keywords: moon, full moon, werewolf, lycanthropy, full moon night

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