What You Need to Know About Breast Implants

Understanding Breast Implants

Breast implants are a popular alternative for women who wish to change the size and shape of their breasts. Although many people think of implants as simply a method for achieving larger breasts, they are in fact used for many different reasons. In addition to enlarging both breasts, sometimes implants are used to create a more uniform and symmetrical appearance, especially when one of a woman’s breasts is noticeably smaller than the other. Implants can also be used to replace the fullness, lift and firmness that existed in the breasts before pregnancy or weight gain or loss, or to provide a younger looking silhouette. Although there has been some controversy in recent years over the safety of breast implants, modern implants are considered to be safe to use.

Advantages of Breast Implants

Breast implants can help provide a more proportional look to the figure and restore a more youthful silhouette. This can enhance a woman’s overall appearance and give her self-confidence a boost. After breast implant surgery, many women find that they look better in their clothing and feel better about themselves overall. Although it is a surgical procedure and as such should not be taken lightly, it is a common procedure that generally provides good results.

Types of Breast Implants

Breast implants come in two different varieties: saline-filled and silicone-filled. In both cases, the implants have a silicone shell, but while silicone implants are also filled with a silicone material, saline-filled implants are filled with a sterile and contained saltwater. Overall, silicone is lighter in weight than saline, and after proper healing, they tend to have a more natural soft feel. Saline-filled implants are generally lower in cost, and although they may sound like they are simply filled with water, causing many women to worry about leakage, in fact they are created from a gelatin-like material that resembles a solid more than it does a liquid.

Round Breast Implants versus Teardrop Breast Implants

Breast implants also vary according to shape, with the primary choices being round or teardrop shaped. Round breast implants are the most common choice for breast augmentation surgeries, since they have the ability to create the maximum amount of lift and fullness in the breast. They provide more fullness on the top of the breast, which can enhance the appearance of the woman’s cleavage. However, some women feel that round implants look artificial, and prefer the less pronounced appearance of the teardrop implants. Teardrop implants create a naturally sloping breast contour, with the majority of the breast volume being placed on the lower portion of the breast as opposed to the top. As a result, these implants do not provide as much cleavage enhancement as do round implants, but they can provide a more anatomically natural appearance. Round implants are less expensive than teardrop implants. Additionally, using round implants eliminates the concern of the implant slipping and changing position, since even if some rotation occurs, the symmetrical shape will prevent an unnatural breast contour. A consultation with the doctor can help you determine which type of breast implant is right for you.

Author Bio: Implants can be a wonderful option for certain women, but it can also cause side effects. Learn about teardrop breast implants and belly button breast augmentation here.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: breast implants, belly button breast augmentation, implants, breasts

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