Why Bonsai Trees Are So Much Fun

Some plants hold a special place in our hearts because they have been inherited. Some are special because they say something about us to the world in a way we couldn’t with words. Bonsai trees fall into the second category, I believe, even though they can be passed down from family members or friends. They bring into our space a smaller version of an outdoor tree and are beautiful in the process.

If you are considering growing a tree such as this, make sure you match the environment it will grow in with the needs of the tree. Some trees will not survive outside at all, and some prefer to be outdoors when it’s sunny. Shade is a big part of being indoors, and usually is associated with the more leafy Bonsais. Pine and other trees like them enjoy some sunshine when it’s median weather outside.

Starting your seedling out right with the best soil will give it the strongest foundation. They offer particular soil for the Bonsais, and you can find it online or at your local home and garden store. They also need water every day, and are not something you can leave unattended for days at a time. Find which place in your home or office they seem to prefer most, and then leave them there for optimum growth.

When your tree gets big enough, you can begin to shape its branches with wire. There are specialized techniques to do this, however, and you can find instructions online or in educational books about this subject. This is the part of the process where your plant becomes a piece of living art that reflects how you feel about growing it.

If you prefer the unique look, why not try a fruit-producing Bonsai? It is exciting and fun to watch small citrus fruit and berries grow indoors, when they have only been known to grow outdoors on regular sized trees. It also makes for a great conversation piece when people ask about it, and how you are able to grow something of that nature.

Perhaps you don’t have the time or desire to grow one, but would like to own a full-sized tree immediately. Be sure to shop around and get the best price for this, since it can be very pricey if you’re not careful where you purchase them from. International companies and locally owned businesses offer shipping services, but you will also need to check to see if your state accepts imports of this type.

Bringing a tiny piece of the Orient into your living or work space is bringing a little bit of stress relief at the same time. Its natural beauty and calm presence will help create a small breathing space where you can take a mental break from the pressures of the day. With regular care and maintenance, you can even pass this thing of beauty on down to your children if you so desire.

When you look into working with Bonsai trees, you are agreeing to an exercise in patience and tiny details, but you are rewarded greatly with long-lasting beauty Share this experience with those around you, and, you will be allowing them a special look into the kind of person you are. Because this type of process does not fit everyone, it will show them what you mean to them and how you treat even the smallest details of your life.

Author Bio: i.If you’re interested in a bonsai tree, then visit Gabriel Meriwether’s site and find out all about the ficus.

Category: Gardening
Keywords: ficus,bonsai trees,bonsai tree,bonsais,bonsai,trees, plants

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