Youtube Videos Gone Nuts Over Warcraft Character Deletions

One of my favorite places to visit online is Youtube for wacky videos. There are some great tutorials for Warcraft players. Grinding, questing, you name it, there’s a video on it. In fact, if you have a need to find all the dungeons in the World of Warcraft, do a search for the particular dungeon you’re wanting to take on and I’m sure you’ll find a video tutorial on it.

What about learning how to find the rare dragons eggs or special quest shortcuts? Yep, there’s videos on those too. WoW YouTube Videos cover everything from power-leveling to making gold. But lately, a new type of video has surfaced – irate girlfriends of WoW addicts erasing their boyfriend’s WoW character. And they’re not just limited to YouTube. They’ve spread to Myspace, Twitter, and other social networking type sites – like the plague.

Regardless of how upset you are at your boyfriend, keep in mind the months, (and sometimes years) that they have put into their WoW character, not to mention the money they’ve likely spent on it. While it is understandable that you may want to delete your boyfriend or girlfriend’s character in order to get some more attention for yourself, (and to teach them a thing or two), that is NOT the answer. Character deletion is probably the surest way to end the relationship. But even if that IS what you want, please consider more humane ways of doing it.

Although the WoW YouTube Videos may be incredibly entertaining now, they probably won’t be once your boyfriend has left you. Show some compassion for your significant other and take into account that most people with gaming, (or other), addictions are trying to escape something. Make sure that YOU are not one of those things by taking a good hard look at YOUR side of the relationship. Is there anything YOU could be doing differently?

If you’re convinced that you are the best girlfriend a WoW player could ask for, the next step is simple… ASK THEM. Talk to him about World of Warcraft and WHY he’s so into it. Plenty of women play Warcraft too, (*cough* Hayden Hawke *cough*), so why not give it a try? That way you’ll be able to spend quality time together – gaming! Maybe you can join WAA, (WoW Addicts Anonymous), together.

When all else fails, try making some WoW YouTube Videos of your own, only instead of deleting your boyfriend’s character, WOW him with something more entertaining.

So, if you’re looking to kill some time, you can check out all those crazy character deletion videos or if you want to start having a lot of fun, you should check out Warcraft yourself. If you’re not already a player, it’s still one of the hottest MMORPG’s online.

I have been playing for a little over a year and I have to tell you that the game really began to get fun when I decided to buy a game guide. My favorite guide is Hayden’s Gold Guide. But there are plenty guides to get you where you want to be. There’s leveling guides and making tons of gold guides. There are even guides that are specific to the Alliance or Horde.

And if you’re wanting to get started today, you can subscribe to our mini 6 day leveling, gold gathering and professions guide. For laughs check out those crazy videos. I think you can even get a 6 pack by watching those videos 6 minutes a day.

Author Bio: Subscribe to our FasterWoWGold newsletter for 6 days of World of Warcraft Leveling, Gold gathering and Professions walkthrough mini guide. Visit Hayden Hawke’s Gold Guide or send your email to:

Category: Humor
Keywords: hayden hawkes gold guide, hayden hawkes gold secrets guide, warcraft gold guide, wow gold guide

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