Genital Warts – Treating the Warts at Home

Did you notice some gray growths in your genital area yesterday? Well, if you did then you may well be suffering from genital warts. These are also known as venereal warts and condyloma acuminata. It is caused by a virus that is known as human pappilomavirus (HPV) and is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.

In almost 90% of the cases these warts are not dangerous but in the remaining 10% cases it might lead to cervical cancer in women. Therefore it is very important to consult your doctor as soon as you notice the warts in or around your genital area. Your doctor will most probably ask you to undergo a biopsy. After the biopsy results if you see that your warts are not malignant then you can start treating the warts.

There are medical genital warts treatment, laser therapies or cryotherapy but you can opt for home remedies if you wish to.

Treating the Warts at Home

1) If you have warts on your penis then you can use apple cider vinegar. It is the best for treatment at home. The first thing you will need to do is cut paper towels the size that can be wrapped around your penis at least twice. You need to cut strips of plastic wraps of the same size.

Next soak your paper towel on the apple cider vinegar and squeeze off the excess vinegar. Wrap the paper towel around the head and the shaft of your penis. You need to make sure all the infected parts are covered. Now wrap the plastic strip over the paper towel. This will make sure t your pants or underwear does not get soaked.

Remove the paper towel after three hours. You will see that the genital warts have turned white. Use a wet paper towel to wipe your penis and make sure you dry it. As the skin will be sensitive avoid messing with it. Do this every day and you will see the warts are starting to scab off. This is indeed a great treatment.

2) You can also use milkweed milk for genital warts treatment at home. The sap of the milkweed plant can induce your body to eliminate the warts. Dilute the sap with a good quality lotion and then apply it on the warts. Opt for a lotion that contains Vitamin E and aloe vera. Continue applying the diluted milkweed milk for two weeks and you will get the results.

3) Tea tree oil is great for treating warts at home. It works as it has antiseptic properties. Use a cotton swab to apply tea tree oil on the infected areas twice daily. It clears the infection and soothes your skin. The warts will be removed in about a week.

4) An easy treatment at home is banana peel. Attach the peel on the infected parts with a duct tape. Keep it on overnight. In about a week the warts will start to disappear.

Genital warts are the most common type of sexually transmitted disease. Though in most case they are not dangerous you need to treat them in time. Home remedies are the best way of treating the warts.

Author Bio: For more information about genital warts treatment, visit now.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: genital warts, genital warts treatment

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