Hemroids Treatment-How to Eliminate Hemorrhoids Permanently

There is no doubt that hemorrhoid/hemroid is a painful, embarrassing and annoying condition. The commonest contributory factors that cause hemorrhoids are the intake of low fiber diets and living of a sedentary lifestyle which leads to the development of constipation.( Get to know more about the root causes of hemorrhoids by clicking the links in the last paragraph below)

Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen and engorged veins of the lower rectum and anus. These swollen veins also become inflamed after sometime. This ailment is very common among adult population, in fact it affects almost 45% of those between ages 35-65 at some point of their lives.

The common symptoms of hemorrhoids like itching, burning, pain during defecation, presence of blood on a toilet paper will appear when you develop hemroids that require your immediate attention. If left untreated on time hemroids can develop the more painful complications of thrombosed and prolapsed hemorrhoids. (Learn how to get rid of the painful complications of hemorrhoid permanently by clicking the link in the last paragraph below)

There are certain life style changes you can implement that can help them prevent the onset of hemorrhoids. These are:

1-Diet Change:

One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is a diet that consists mostly of processed fast and junk foods, sugars, saturated fat, and foods that are generally low in fiber content. These food items encourage the development of hemroids with the passage of hard stools and they also clog up the intestines.

Consumption of a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and drinking plenty of water will produce softer stool which will help intestine to pass it more easily without additional straining. {Learn about five vegetables and fruits that if taken just once weekly will ensure that you never get constipated by clicking the links in the last paragraph below}

2-Avoid Prolonged Sitting:

Sitting for a long period of time slows down metabolism and digestive system, it also causes the generation of excessive pressure in the butt area which is transmitted into the anal and rectal veins leading to the hemorrhoids. Even 10-15 minutes walk can make a big difference. Try to introduce simple exercises into your daily routine. (For more simple ways of preventing hemorrhoids click the links in the last paragraph below)

What is the best hemorrhoid treatment for those already afflicted with hemorrhoids?

The best treatment to cure a hemorrhoid is always the one that eliminates the root cause of the problem.

In general people who suffer from this affliction go through many hemorrhoid treatment solutions until they finally find the one that works best for them.

The most popular external hemorrhoid treatment options are creams and ointments that are applied topically on the affected area. These however often fail to get to the root of the problem and the hemroids always comes back after treatment with these. Also pills, suppositories are commonly used for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, these are also at best good temporary reliefs.

For those who prefer invasive solutions to remove hemorrhoids there are options like: infrared coagulation, rubber band ligation, hemorrhoidectomy and laser removal. Most of these procedures however have their side effects and they also sometimes cause additional pain to the hemroid sufferer.

The best way to treat hemorrhoids however is to use simple natural methods which are not toxic to the body in any way and which also addresses the root causes of the ailment. In fact there is a particular natural method which serves as a powerful guide on the best ways of curing hemorrhoids naturally that has a proven success track record of 96.4% consistent cure rate.

Author Bio: Are you tired of all those creams, pills and suppositories that have Failed to Address the Real Causes of your Hemorrhoids? Do not waste your money any longer. Click Here to unravel the Secret 100% Safe Natural Cure That Will Cure You within Days. Download A Free Book On Hemorrhoids.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hemorrhoid home treatment,hemorrhoid relief,hemroids,hemorrhoids,hemorrhoid cure, hemorrhoid symptom

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