A Brief Guide to Leg Injury Compensation Claims

Leg injuries are one of the most common outcomes in accidents and are one of the most frequent compensation claims. Leg injuries can have damaging and long lasting effects on a person’s life and leave them with enduring physical disabilities which require the use of a walking aid or wheelchair.

A leg injury compensation claim could be made if you believe the injury was caused by someone else’s fault and not your own. Every type of leg injury compensation claim is assessed on its own values and situation so it’s important to remember that the amounts awarded can vary. Proving that the injury was in fact caused by the other party involved is one the main factors when pursuing compensation for your accident.

Leg Injury Symptoms
An injured leg is often considered a less serious injury due to the low threat to life this causes but realistically a serious leg injury could cause permanent irreparable damage making the victim wheelchair bound for the rest of their lives. This can severely affect someone’s life and is not something that should be considered lightly. Symptoms of a leg injury include pain, swelling or discolouration of the leg and decreased mobility.

As legs are involved in a lot of activities and transport we undertake they are often one of the first body parts to be damaged in an accident. Protecting your legs with the correct clothing for each activity is important to avoid permanent or serious injuries.

Road Accident Leg Injuries
A large proportion of leg injury claims happen during road accidents involving motor bikes, bicycles and cars where the other driver involved was to blame and therefore can be claimed against.

A road accident always carries a high risk of leg injury due to the precarious position our legs are often in e.g. underneath the dash board in a car and fully exposed on motorbikes and bicycles. In a car there is the risk of the driver or passengers legs being crushed during a head on collision which pushes the engine towards the dashboard and driving column. For bikes and bicycles the uncovered nature of the vehicles makes legs the prime body parts for damage during a crash or collision.

Slips, Trips and Fall Injuries to the Legs
Falling over or slipping on a wet or slippery surface such as ice can lead to a number of different injuries to a person’s legs including twisted or dislocated knee joints, torn ligaments & tendons and fractured or broken bones. Broken pavements or wet supermarket floors are two common circumstances that often lead to winning a leg injury compensation claim.

Medical Negligence Injuries
Although hospitals are meant to be safe places where we go to heal or for treatment, sometimes things can still go wrong through human error and negligence. When a trained health practitioner’s negligence has caused injury to your legs whilst treating you for an illness or previous injury you can make a claim against the hospital involved and see that justice is served.

Leg Injuries through Violent Assault
Unfortunately some leg injuries are caused by a violent assault deliberately carried out by someone with no regard for the victim. A lot of these assaults result in some form of injury to a person’s legs as they are an easy limb to aim for to demobilise or stop a person from getting away. So long as a certain amount of evidence or proof has been collected by the victim or the local police involved, a compensation claim should be made against the violent culprit.

Author Bio: Alkers Solicitors are a law firm made up of experienced leg injury solicitors who may be able to help you win leg injury compensation owed to you for your injuries.

Category: Legal
Keywords: leg, injury, injuries, type, compensation, claims, claim, solicitor, lawyer, law, firm, alkers

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