Is Pet Health Insurance a Good Investment For Your Dog?

Most owners are accustomed to taking their dogs to a veterinarian for routine exams once a year. This is an important part of preventative health care for pets. As canines age, it’s a good idea to take them in for checkups twice a year since doing so can help prevent major health issues down the road.

The problem is, veterinary care is expensive. Not only are our canines living longer, but advances in veterinary medicine have opened the door to procedures that were impossible twenty years ago. Unfortunately, many owners are unprepared for the high cost of certain operations and medications their dog need. In some cases, procedures that could improve – and even save – the lives of their pets are postponed or neglected.

This is the problem pet insurance is designed to address. Below, we’ll explain how it works, and what to look for when shopping for a policy. You’ll also learn about other factors that play key roles in helping your dog live a long, healthy life.

Making Sure Your Pet Receives Needed Veterinary Care

Pet insurance works similarly to health insurance for people. Owners can purchase coverage for their canines by paying annual or monthly premiums. Also, like health insurance for people, most pet-focused policies include deductibles.

The coverage can be customized based on your dog’s circumstances and needs. His age, breed, normal level of activity, and existing health conditions should be taken into account. If he needs certain procedures or medications down the road, the policy will cover a large portion of the cost (less any exclusions and deductibles). This helps you avoid situations in which your canine needs veterinary care that you are unable to afford.

What To Look For When Buying A Policy

Every company that offers insurance coverage for your dog is different. For this reason, it is important that you find out as much as possible about the policy you’re considering buying. For example, a lot of companies exclude specific breeds because those breeds are more susceptible to particular health conditions.

Also, note the age parameters listed in the policy. Some companies will discontinue coverage when a dog reaches a specific age. Others will simply raise their rates as your pet grows older.

Prior to buying coverage, make certain you are familiar with the procedures, medications, and services that are included, as well as those that are not. For instance, check whether the policy pays for annual examinations and routine dental care. Are vaccines included, or will you need to pay for them out of your own pocket? What about medications if your canine suffers from an existing condition?

Find out how veterinary invoices are paid by the insurance company (reimbursement versus direct billing), and whether there are co-payments required for each visit. Also, check the amount of the deductibles to make certain you can afford them in the event your dog needs emergency care.

Other Factors That Influence Your Dog’s Long-Term Health

Buying pet insurance coverage for your canine does not eliminate the need to actively maintain his health. He still needs high-quality food that offers a rich source of vitamins and nutrients; he needs plenty of exercise each day to manage his weight and work off energy; and he needs regular grooming to keep his coat and skin in top condition. Each plays an important role in your dog’s health. Together, they help prevent health problems, even if he is predisposed to certain conditions.

All canines, healthy or otherwise, need routine veterinary care. The problem, as noted earlier, is its rising cost. For many owners, pet health insurance offers an affordable, predictable solution. Though it receives little attention compared to health insurance for people, it can be a useful tool for ensuring your dog receives the care he needs.

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Category: Pets
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