Pleural Plaques: Know the Facts For Your Own Safety

Many people know that they need to avoid asbestos. If you do not avoid asbestos, you could be diagnosed with pleural plaques, or much worse. If you are working in an environment that has older buildings which may contain asbestos-ridden materials, such as insulation, roofing products, cements, fireproofing products, etc… , you may be at risk for coming into contact with asbestos. Short term, you are most likely not at risk for experiencing any physical complications. Over time however, whether it is twenty or forty years from now, you could find that you have pleural plaques or another asbestos-related medical condition.

Scans and tests performed by your physician can determine whether or not you have developed pleural plaques. Pleural plaques are raised areas of the collagen tissues of the fibrosis that are smooth. They are generally found on the inner surface of the ribcage, on the pleura and on the diaphragm. It takes many years after the initial asbestos exposure for any pleural plaques to form. Some have found that it is not until sixty years after their exposure to asbestos that they are diagnosed with pleural plaques.

Pleural plaques are not painful and they are not life threatening. Because of this, most people who have this condition will never know unless their doctor discovers the plaques through tests and scans that are preformed for other medical conditions. Furthermore, because there is no pain and no life threatening danger associated with pleural plaques, there are currently no cures or treatments options for individuals diagnosed with this condition. It is simply something that you will live with, and your life will not be impaired because of the plaques.

Of course, those who have pleural plaques are at higher risk for mesothelioma because of their exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a life-threatening form of cancer that affects the mesothelial cells lining the lung, chest cavity, abdominal cavity or heart cavity. These cells also cover the outer surface of most internal organs forming a mesothelium, a tissue that helps protect the organs.

It is important to make sure that you are getting regular check-ups and that you discuss your concerns with your doctor. Make sure that your doctor knows about your exposure to asbestos, and you should also disclose when your exposure occurred and for how long you were exposed to it.

If you do have a medical condition, other than pleural plaques, that causes you physical harm, there is the possibility that you may be able to file a lawsuit to recover for damages. The outcome of your case and the damages you may be able to recover are different in every case. Many of the people awarded damages are people who were misinformed by their employers about their working conditions and are ultimately diagnosed with a life-threatening disease as a result.
The more you know about asbestos and the dangers associated with it, the more you will be able to protect yourself. Even though there is no significant danger with a diagnosis of pleural plaques, you are at risk for future serious health problems.

Author Bio: If you were exposed to asbestos, and have developed symptoms of mesothelioma, you may be entitled to an asbestos lawsuit. Contact an asbestos lawyer to learn more.

Category: Cancer Survival
Keywords: asbestos lawyer, asbestos lawsuit, mesothelioma

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