10 Tips to Composing Your Own Songs

Composing music is an art that requires a lot dedication that most people prefer not to venture into due to the fear that their music may not be fully accepted. Simple ways that can help in coming up with your own wonderful compositions include:

1. Have a music composition goal
Before embarking on composing it is good to understand why you are composing the song. Is it for you or for others? This will highly influence the words and the tone in the music.

2. Understand your mood
Music is an expression of how one feels and thus it is very important to understand what exactly the music should portray.

3. Always start with lyrics before writing the music
This may sound absurd but it works very well for inexperienced composers. When one comes up with words first, he/she is able to formulate the right beats that will fit into the lyrics. Writing lyrics also helps one to understand what words to focus on and thus to be used more times in the song.

4. Listen to your brain
For most renowned composers, music starts lyrics which keep on repeating themselves in the mind. For amateur composers it’s advisable to write down such words to come up with lyrics. During such a session, a quiet environment is the most ideal as it promotes one’s level of thinking.

5. Learn from compositions of others
Having made your own music is important to compare what you have made with what others have come up with. That is why it’s important to have a musical role model/mentor with whom you can compare works. This also helps one to learn about the areas where they need to improve or the changes needed on their own compositions.

6. Make Use of music composition software
Music composition software is a set of programs that help in writing, music by helping to organize one’s work and allows one to see what they are playing. The software comes with a playback feature to allow the composer listen to what he has come up with and thus make the necessary changes.

7. Chose the right instruments
Accompaniments make music to definitely sound better. Thus it’s important to choose those instruments that will bring out the desired sound and beat. A grand piano is a great way to start as it brings out the notes more clearly.

8. Seek honest opinions of others
It’s good to let others hear what you have come up with as they are in a position to advice you on which areas need improve. A person who is not as close would be able to give unbiased opinions.

9. Do something different
For instance learn how to play a new instrument that will make the overall quality of music better or practice an octave higher.

10. Practice makes perfect
Never stop practicing even when you think you’ve got it all pat. A daily practice routine will go a long way in yielding a desired outcome.

Author Bio: Thomas K is an avid musician. He has been writing and performing music for years. He is a family man and enjoys to write things about his children, check out his website Childrens electric toothbrush.

Category: Advice

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