Dating and Money

If you are casually dating and not seeing one particular person exclusively, the money you could feasibly end up spending while dating can be a daunting prospect. This subject has come up a lot over the years on my forum, during conversations with my friends and during pick up artist boot camps.

If you are on the prowl and dating several women, going on a few dates each week, you could easily break the bank if you are always the one paying for expensive things like admission, food, drinks, cab fare and so on.

Unless you know when you meet the girl that she is going to be your longtime girlfriend, then it helps to establish some general ground rules for you to remember on a date.

Here’s what a typical first date for me is like: I will usually take the girl to a small bar or cafe near my house. When it comes time to order, I’ll immediately say, “I’ll get the first round.”

There are a few reasons for this. The first is to show that you are not going to buy everything all night long. This is appealing because it shows you are not a pushover and you are not trying to impress her or buy her affections. The second reason I do this is that it rather helps me weed out the cool girls from the not cool girls. I mean, you have to be pretty uptight of a girl to not buy the second round. Anyone can afford one round of drinks, no matter how tight the budget is, otherwise, you should have pointed out you didn’t have money to go out when the idea was suggested. (By the way, I don’t have a problem with that either. There is something charming about a woman who might say to me that money is tight, but she’d be happy to have me over for a cup of coffee and homemade cake or a glass of wine and some cheese at her house.)

Another rule that I established pretty quickly after I moved to New York City and found myself surrounded by amazing women, dating at least three nights a week was to avoid going out to dinner for any of these dates.

Unless he is your girlfriend or you are regularly having sleep over’s at one another’s house, then don’t go out to dinner. You can always whip up a delicious little repast at each other’s homes, but avoid dining out, which can be astronomically expensive – especially in New York City.

Make as many of your dates cost nothing as possible. I’m not being a cheapskate here because I have many more reasons why this is important that have nothing to do with money. Some o the best things in life are free. In addition, some of the best experiences cost next to nothing. You will impress a girl more with your creativity in packing a picnic lunch with a good bottle of wine and sitting in the park, then you would spending a fortune on a meal. Trust me, here. Money doesn’t buy class or make you interesting. Just like I would be charmed by a girl offering me coffee at her place, women have told me that it is refreshing to pack a picnic lunch and go to the park with me.

Author Bio: Bill has been a Pickup Artist for the last 5 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to text a girl. The original article can be found here: Dating and Money.

Category: Dating
Keywords: how to flirt, dating tips, relationship advice

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