How to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups

Hiccups can sometimes be annoying especially when adults had them, although it is actually common for them to have it. This occur when the muscle that help us breathing which is called the diaphragm make contact in a very forceful manner. A hiccup is one thing that adults often neglect, but when the infants are the ones to have this; it tends to be a different story. Mothers and fathers, especially the first timers can be bothered when they hear their child having hiccups and their cute little body tends to shake whenever they do it. However, new parents should not worry about their baby having hiccups especially if they know how to minimize them.

When hiccups occur to your baby, make sure that you let your baby burp. Burping may release huge amount of air that entered in your baby’s body while eating that may possibly cause him to hiccup. Feeding your baby is another thing you can try to stop the hiccups.

Continuous drinking while having hiccups may help the baby gets rid of the hiccups in no time. Distract your baby when he is having hiccups by playing with him or her. A hiccup may last shortly for just about ten minutes and may take a while at about half an hour. It is important that you keep them occupied until the hiccups stopped. Flash toys, or try to keep their mind off it.

Feeding your baby overly can also cause your baby to hiccup. Hiccups may occur if he or she took a big swallow of fluid or solid food in only a single time. Observe your baby if he or she tends to hiccup after eating because he or she might be overfed. If that is the case, you may want to get in contact with your pediatrician so you may know the right amount that your baby should be eating. In addition, if your baby is bottle-fed, make sure that the bottle does not allow a lot of air to enter into your baby’s body.

Monitor your baby if he or she is drinking his or her milk in a slow manner. When the baby started to hiccup while you feed them, just change his or her feeding position then try to comfort him or her so he or she may get distracted from continuous hiccup. Also, allow the baby to relax when he or she is experiencing hiccups.

Hiccup is a normal behavior for a child. In fact, some says that it is part of the process of the development of the lungs. So whenever your baby is experiencing hiccups, try not to get worried. It is normal and the hiccups will pass in just a short while.

If you’re finding that the hiccups continue, you may want to consult with your pediatrician. 99% of the time, it’s going to be harmless and will go away over time. While you can try most of the tips mentioned above, you will find that it may work sometimes, but not all the time.

Author Bio: Want to know what other parents did on how to get rid of baby hiccups? Get more tips, as well as advice on how to dump them.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: baby hiccups, hiccups, get rid of hiccups

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