The Different Forms of Alternative Medicine

What is alternative medicine? How does it differ from traditional medicine? Basically alternative medicine is any kind of medicine that does not conform with the scientific principles of western medicine. Western medicine or traditional medicine has long been the basis for treating any illness. Anything from the common cold to the more complex type of cancer, western medicine has an antidote for it. People have been relying on western medicine to cure their ailments. But in our never ending search to improve our well being, alternative medicine become more popular with people finding out its benefits. We all have probably heard of someone who cured of their illness because of acupuncture which is a popular form of alternative medicine. Or of those who swear that by taking herbal supplements their lingering illness has been cured. Indeed, alternative medicine has gained roots among certain individuals.

Oriental medicine is a form of alternative medicine that is widely popular. It is perhaps the only form of alternative medicine that could be compared to conventional medicine base on its system. Oriental medicine is based on basic theories formed thousands of years ago. Traditional Chinese medicine is a branch of oriental medicine traced back to China. It is the only form of alternative medicine that is widely accepted in the United States. For most parts of Asia, western medicine is considered alternative while oriental medicine is the recognized standard.

Massage is another popular form of alternative medicine. It is commonly used to alleviate aches and pains and as a form of stress relief. The resurgence of many health and fitness centers with a specialized service of massage is proof that indeed this form of alternative medicine is very popular. There are different styles of massage. The more popular one is Swedish massage offered in almost all spas. Other forms are Thai massage, shiatsu and reflexology. For those who want to enjoy the benefits of massage but do not have the time to go to spas, then Optima massage chairs are a good alternative. These chairs are also very effective in relying your aches and pains and can be enjoyed at the comfort in your home. Now isn’t that something worth coming home to. There are different settings and functions available on the Optima massage chair that are worth checking out.

Herbal therapy is fast gaining acceptance in the field of alternative medicine. Although its been suggested that relaying on the dosage given for herbal medicines can be quite risky. Herbal medicine has proven its effective in quite a number of cases but putting too much faith in it could also cause some damage. For example, side effects are not usually declared on the prescription of herbal medicines. It is very much advisable to consult a certified herbalist to make sure you are getting the right dosage. Homeopathy is another although less popular form of alternative medicine. The theory is that like would cure like. For example caffeine which cause alertness could be used to cure sleeplessness in some persons.

Author Bio: Karissa Claire Dupree is a design specialist and enjoys writing about any type of home decor such as Optima massage chairs and Optima massage chair as well as other products.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: massager lounger,optima massager,massage,stress

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