The E-Myth Manager Seminar By Michael E. Gerber

Modern managers must deal with greater pressures to achieve more goals in a shorter amount of time and often with lower budgets. Many managers will then fail at such an all-important responsibility largely because of their lack of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, not to mention that many managers still fall victim to the many urban myths that surround the profession. Fortunately, The E-Myth Manager Seminar developed by Michael E. Gerber comes to the rescue.

Managers and other interested individuals have two options in the seminar. First, leadership seminars are conducted in person by a trained professional. Second, the virtual seminars are conducted online by trained professionals with similar content as the face-to-face seminars. There are differences in the virtual seminar as a concession to the online environment.

We can surmise that the virtual seminars are more popular mainly because of the benefits of an online education including the opportunity to learn in your pajamas. In these virtual seminars, the participants engage in a 75-minute session with a question-and-answer session at the end. To summarize the concepts that will be learned in The E-Myth Manager Seminar sessions:

– Develop the business\’ primary mission, vision and objectives
– Create the strategic plans for the achievement of the abovementioned
– Hire, train and retain the best in human resources
– Improve employee loyalty and productivity
– Organize the business so that it can be run by employees in the temporary absence of the manager

Take note that author Michael E. Gerber is advocating similar concepts as the other writers and authors of the management profession and its related fields. The main difference is that Gerber works through the myths surrounding management and managers, all of which serve as barriers toward the full achievement of the business goals. Participants are walked through the stages of business from its infancy to its dissolution, thus, making the The E-Myth Manager Seminar a truly learning experience.

And if you are into a franchising business, you will appreciate the gems of knowledge that the seminar provides for everybody. Such is the value of these franchising principles that you can apply them to just about any business environment.

The last discussion on the seminar is the all-important difference between working in the business and working for the business. When the realization about the differences between the two states sinks in and the steps by which a manager can move from one state to the next are revealed, you can expect the business to be profitable and sustainable.

Lest anybody start thinking that the The E-Myth Manager Seminar is just a one-size-fits-all type of learning, think again. There are numerous virtual seminars offered by Michael E. Gerber, which means that there is one seminar that will address your specific needs as a manager of your own business. Or even as a manager in someone else\’s business for that matter. Choices in the virtual seminars include Business 101, How To Rock Your Client Experience, and The Practice of Business, among others.

If you want to be a manager who wants to let the business take off into stratospheric heights of profitability after languishing with a red bottom line, we suggest taking the The E-Myth Manager Seminar now.

Author Bio: Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The E-Myth Manager Seminar by Michael E. Gerber

Category: Business
Keywords: The E-Myth Manager Seminar, Michael E. Gerber

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