What do Gay Men Want in Terms of Love and Relationship?

Nowadays, gay relationships are very famous just like normal male and female relationships. These gay relationships are also getting high respect day by day. It is quiet common. Just as we need relationships so as gays after all they are also human beings. Gays love to be with males only and not females. They like to have love and romance with males only. It is really tough to tell whether a male is a gay or not. Just by looking at his activities and ways of talking, sitting and standing you can tell it easily. Actually they are somewhat feminine. Look at his eyes and face and you will be able to tell that the male is a gay or not. They fall under the category of homosexuality. They are same sex peoples but have same needs as far as love and sex are concerned. I would like to mention that they want true love and respect and not sex always. They want equal position in the society as given to other human beings.

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