A Few Ways to Write With Humor

Can you imagine how humor can play an important role in your writing? You might be wondering but to tell you honestly, writing with humor can give an impact to your readers for them to enjoy while reading your work.

Sometimes, as you write, various facts have been included within your content and other ideas may seem hard to understand. Average readers may easily get bored as they read your writing piece and most of them will skip it eventually.

If you are writing in order to publish it online, bear in mind that there is a huge competition for any general or interesting topic which can be the same as you writing subject. Therefore, it will be hard for you to please your readers right away and if you fail to write a very interesting topic, you’ll end up having no readers at all.

For any traditional writing, still, you want to have your reader’s appreciation about you work and to increase your credibility as a writer, the secret technique for your contents is to add a little humor to lighten up your writing a bit.

Most writers have been using this technique for such a long time. Writing with humors has been really effective for both sides, you as a writer and for all of your readers. But sometimes, there are instances where you’ll find it hard to write humors with sense. Just like for some unskilled writers, they end up being rude and sometimes writing too much humors without any valuable meaning at all. That can be a major no-no and needs to be corrected right away.

Want to elicit a few chuckles to go with the document you’re writing? Here are a few ideas:

1. Adopt a naturally funny persona and let it out in your writing. You can adopt a lively hat, a humorously cocky attitude or an offbeat slant, for instance.

2. Assume a strong, unbending point of view. Don’t relent even when it makes perfect sense. Such an insistence on a fixed narrative, even when it defies logic, can make for plenty of humorous opportunities.

3. Be playful in tone.

4. Use puns and other play on words. Employ them sparingly, though.

5. Use verbal irony in your statements, conveying a humorous disparity between literal and implied meaning.

6. Use situational irony in your ideas, showing a humorous disparity between perceived and literal events.

7. Use exaggeration and hyperbole to overstate passages, taking your ideas to outlandish lengths.

8. Use understatement to downplay what are obviously important thoughts.

9. Use ridicule and sarcasm. Pretty straightforward, it’s a rather aggressive approach that can have ethical implications. Done poorly, it will also turn many readers off.

10. Use self-deprecating humor. This is apt for many types of writing written in the first person. Keep it moderate, though. Too much self-deprecation can destroy your credibility.

Humor, as with many elements of writing, can benefit from the help of a good writing software. Almost every clever punch line will fail in the face of poorly-constructed sentences.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: writing with humor, good writing software

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