How Clear is Your Writing?

A very confusing and sometimes out of the topic writing won’t guarantee you lots of readers appreciating your work. Thus, you will end up losing every single of them and found yourself writing for no reason at all.

When a writer’s mind is very distracted, it will be very hard in their part to provide a manageable and interesting topic as what they primarily aimed for all of their writing projects. Also, when someone is not sure about what to write and even their writing skills didn’t meet the Basic English writing criteria, then it can greatly affect the quality of their writing especially when it comes to the clarity and creativity of every content.

But for most part, it is still very challenging to improve your writing and to make each content clear so that your average readers can understand the main idea of your writing easily. But ideally, the success of your article or writing any text material depends on how you think about the topic you are going to write. If you can think clearly and you are certain about your ideas, you will likely to create a very interesting and creative art of writing without any difficulties but pure perspective.

However, another basis for you as a writer to provide clear and understandable ideas is to think about your readers. Write for them and not just to write for yourself. Knowing how they will react if you decide to write it in different ways will help you to choose which kind of writing you will need to provide in order to meet their expectations and appreciation.

Is your draft clear enough to make it as your final revision? Here is a ten-point checklist you can use to gauge how well it communicates your ideas.

1. Is the central idea specific enough to make for meaningful discussion?

2. Make sure this primary topic is clearly stated in the opening paragraph.

3. Identify subordinate ideas as you present them, showing a clear relationship with your main purpose.

4. Are your discussions of each subordinate idea done in an accurate and detailed manner?

5. Your language should be plain enough to facilitate understanding, without making people pause and think twice about what you are saying.

6. Are jargons and technical terms sufficiently explained, relative to your target audience?

7. Check individual sentences. Do they convey their singular ideas without ambiguity?

8. Check your paragraphs. Do the individual sentences come together to convey a unified thought?

9. Any new information you bring up should tie in well with all previous information in the piece.

10. Does your piece end with all of your ideas wrapped up tightly or does it feel like you’re leaving some loose ends?

As you may have noticed, we’ve intentionally left out grammar and spelling from the checklist. For the most part, that is because your all-in-one writing software can handle that, working its automated system to clean up your work faster than the staunchest proofreader.

Author Bio: See how innovative All-in-one Writing Software instantly can boost your English writing and watch how NLP technology can help you to write perfect emails, essays, reports and letters. More Info.

Category: Writing
Keywords: clear writing, All-in-one Writing software, English writing

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