How to Make a Wire Compost Bin

If you are into gardening and want to make your own organic fertilizer by composting any organic matter that you find useful to your garden, however if your space doesn’t allow you to built concrete or wooden structure for your compost pit then there’s no need to worry as there are other simple methods of composting. A good example is the wire compost bin that is very practical for individuals who have limited working space and are in a budget as well. The best thing about this method of composting is that it only uses a few simple tools and some wire fencing.

Making a wire compost bin is easy and will only take about 15 minutes or less of your time. Another great thing about these bins is that you can make as many as you want as they don’t consume much space.

Here is what you will need in order to build your own wire compost bin. Basically, what you really need in order to make a wire compost bin is an inexpensive wire, and a wire cutter.

The first thing that you need to do is to decide on where you will put your wire compost bin. The best place to set a compost bin is where there is shade and some sunshine. Your compost bin should be installed somewhere near your garden so that collecting and transferring the finished compost will be an easy task to do. The location should also be accessible to your garden hose as using water pale to dampen it can be a waste of time and energy.

Before you start working, make sure that you have your gloves on and a safety eyeglass to avoid any accidents from happening as the wire are sharp and may poke your eyes accidentally. Roll the wire into the ground and walk back and forth to prevent it from rolling back into a circle which will give you a hard time when measuring your desired diameter. You might want to make your compost bin slightly bigger but not too big that it will consume much of your planting space.

When you know your preferred diameter, you can now cut the wire carefully using the wire cutter. Make sure that you are wearing your protective gear though as these wires can be dangerous when mishandled. A safe method when you cut the wire is to bend the ends downward so that they won’t be sticking out.

Now that you have your rolled wire compost bin you can now fasten its end by using wire or twine. You can also use the ends of the wire by fastening them to each of their opposite ends.

You can now put your kitchen waste, gardening waste, and anything that is organic. Make sure that you water your wire compost bin from time to time to keep its damp environment. This is made to make the process of composting much faster. You can let it sit until it breaks down but regular turning of the contents of your bin is much better. When you have the finished compost you can start using it in your garden.

Author Bio: This writer for Pool Prodigy focuses on salt chlorinator treatment and more specifically in salt water chlorinator care.

Category: Gardening
Keywords: salt chlorinator, salt water chlorinator, pool supplies

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