Two Cool Tips to Create Your Own Unique Head Scarf

Head scarves could be simply created at home depending on the look and style you prefer, as well as your expertise. You could crochet or knit a head scarf or sew a head scarf applying any fabric you want.

Whatever season, head scarves can complete your clothing. Combining function and fashion, you could look your best with a distinctive scarf you create yourself. The following are two various ways you can make your personal special head scarf:

Knit or crochet a head scarf

If you love chrocheting or knitting as a pastime, you can weave your personal scarf in your free time. Here is how:

* Select a pattern and the width of your headscarf. Whether choosing to crochet or knit, you will need to decide on a pattern first, the colors, and the width. Many head scarves you find in shops are 7 inches wide. You can even select your personal scarf size, based on the dimensions of your head, the thickness of your hair, and the design you wish to express. You may also create a hooded head scarf or maybe something that looks like a loose cap which covers all over your head.

* Develop a trial. After you have a pattern, see how many stitches you need to create for each inch. Then, make a little sample of the pattern including the colors you wish. This helps make your task easier and help you prevent making errors along the way.

* Weave the scarf to your preferred size. Now that you have a sample, you could continue with making your own head scarf. Once you have reached your preferred length, cut the yarn or thread and lock the ends.

Sew a head scarf applying any kind of cloth fabric you like

You may also create head scarves out of other fabrics. Recommended materials include the ones that are thick and the ones that do not easily move on hair. Silk and satin fabrics, however, though harder to sew, make classy headscarves, too. To make one, follow these simple instructions:

* For an easy headscarf, cut a cloth fabric square about 2 feet in length and width. Fold the edges by half an inch and another one for another half inch. Secure utilizing hooks and place a hem on all edges starting at the corner.

* For any diagonal scarf, fold your hemmed sq. cloth fabric into a triangular and cut. With right side inside, stitch starting on one corner to the next corner until almost the next corner. Turn back the cloth having the right side out, stitching shut your headscarf.

* You can even make long headscarves best for winter. Sew in the same manner as for a square head scarf, but have the length as long as needed, so you do not just have a square. The width can be approximately a foot wide to cover the whole head or to flip in half if you prefer a distinct look.

You might also improvise your personal head scarf by connecting an elastic connector from each ends of your scarf for a more distinctive and functional scarf.

Being truly trendy means wearing what’s trendy but in a distinctive approach. With your home made head scarf, you will look stylish and gorgeous. So go ahead, make your own scarf, and look your best.

Author Bio: Written by Douglas R. Williams. For other attractive head scarf suggestions and designs, make sure you check out

Category: Advice
Keywords: head scarf, headscarf, head scarves

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