A Couple Advantages of Using Stem Cells From the Umbilical Cord

The scientific research of stem cells has received a lot of attention over the last decade and most recently much of the focus is upon those found in umbilical cord blood. Medical researchers have made a number of scientific breakthroughs, most of which positive while others have been met with some public scrutiny. Most of the scrutiny has been placed upon certain sources where a cell can be obtained.

Beginning in the 1980s, the use of the master cell has treated various types of life-threatening diseases including, various types of cancer, blood disorders, and Parkinson\’s disease. Back then, the medical industry would typically extract these cells from bone marrow. This procedure is effective, yet rather intense for both the patient and the donor.

Many lives have been saved due to bone marrow transplants over time. Though, it has become known that there are limitations with this procedure since a donor needs to be an exact match for the patient on a cellular level. There is also some risk of infection with the sensitive nature of the procedure.

Another source for the master cell is in embryos. The gathering of a cell from here has become the most controversial of any research in this area. Reason being, there are moral and ethical issues surrounding procedures which may promote a demand for unborn fetuses. Some people feel this method could encroach upon the right to life and possibly attract a higher rate of abortion.

Of the few resources where these cellular structures can be found, the umbilical cord is known to have the most advantages while not interfering with the life of the donor. Cord blood is collected after the birth of a baby and comes from the placenta. These days, parents are often offered to preserve their babies\’ placenta after birth for use later in their life. Should they choose not to preserve it for their family, they may also donate it for others to use.

One of the greatest advantages of cord blood is that a patient does not need to be an exact genealogical match in order for it to help them, unlike bone marrow. These cells of cord blood have yet to mature so they are more forgiving than adult cellular structures. It is said that this new era of research and procedures of cord blood can inevitably change in medical capabilities in the 21st century.

A cell from the umbilical cord is also up to 10 times more powerful than those of any other resource. This means it takes much less of them to help patients in their dire state. There are also less risks of potentially transmitting infectious diseases with cord blood versus bone marrow cells.

Research of stem cells still has a long way to go and that is rather impressive considering the positive impacts these procedures have had on people thus far. The ways in which they can help combat disease and many other degenerating circumstances seems endless at this time. New techniques and procedures are continuously being learned to better life for future generations.

Author Bio: Located at Toronto General Hospital, we are a cord blood clinic experienced in cord blood storage and umbilical cord blood banking.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: health,hospital,clinic,science,technology,cells,bones,medical,blood,body, research

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