Attributes of Excellent Engagement Rings

It is beneficial to have some background knowledge about diamonds before shopping for engagement rings. The are many options to choose from, making it a bit intimidating to walk into a jewelry store. Read on to find out the basics of what makes a good diamond.

The first thing people notice about engagement rings is the stone. They notice the size, the shape, and how well it refracts light. These are characteristics of the four Cs that determine the quality of a diamond: cut, color, carat, and clarity.

Cut is a good place to start when considering a ring. It refers to the shape of the stone, and most women have a cut that they prefer over others. Find out the name of the cut she likes so that you can browse more effectively. Brilliant (Round) cuts are the most popular right now, closely followed by Princess (Square). You can also find Marquis (Pointed Oval), Emerald, Oval, Pear, and even Heart cuts.

Color is how clear the diamond is. It is graded on a D through V scale, with D being colorless and V being light yellow. In between are a range of nearly colorless to very light yellow. D, E, and F stones are the most valuable, but the color is only one contributor to the total worth of the diamond.

A large diamond is eye-catching, and many people talk about carats in terms of size. However, it is actually a unit of weight where one carat equals 200 milligrams. Generally speaking, a higher carat weight means a more expensive stone.

Clarity is the final, and some say most important, characteristic of a diamond. It refers to the stone\’s ability to refract light, which is affected by imperfections in the stone called inclusions. These inclusions can be internal cracks, mineral deposits, or bubbles in the stone. Diamonds are graded on the amount of imperfections they contain, with F for flawless being the most desirable.

Once a quality stone has been found, the setting should then be considered. It is almost as important as the stone because the setting can enhance the natural beauty of the diamond or take away from it. Consider the precious metal that the ring is made from. Golds are traditional, but many people are choosing platinum these days for its beauty, value, and strength. Titanium is another trendy choice. Regardless of metal, jewelers tend to set stones to best flatter their cut, however a custom setting can be designed to suit certain tastes.

Most rings are set with prongs to let as much light filter through the stone as possible. There are many other styles though, and it ultimately is a matter of preference. Bezel sets are popular. The stone is set deep into a mounting then the edges of the mounting are pressed down over the edges of the stone and burnished. Bezels have been used for centuries and work well with most cuts. Other options to consider are bar sets, channel sets, or tension sets.

Diamond engagement rings are an investment. The four Cs and the setting work together to determine the overall look, price, and quality of the ring. It can be more worthwhile to sacrifice carat weight or cut to purchase a diamond that is closer to colorless and flawless. Research well and the choice should be much simpler.

Author Bio: Public knowledge on blood diamonds have prompted a code of ethics enforced by Edmonton Engagement Rings. When buying a Vancouver Engagement Ring ensure the jeweller is part if CJA.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: Jewelery, Jewelry, Rings, Diamond Rings, Engagement Rings, Shopping, Family, Society, Fashion

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