Building From the Ground Up

Hey chicken legs, skip the 12th set of dumbbell curls and lets work on those toothpicks you call legs.” Of course I restrain myself from saying that at the gym but boy… I really want to say it. How many times have you seen the guy at the gym that has that big puffy chest, bowling ball shoulders, giant pipes and then legs that look like two pins holding up a grapefruit? I know I cringe ever time I see those guys and think, “wow they could be so much more ripped if they just worked their legs”.

I’m not knocking a good upper body workout, but too often I see people that neglect the leg workouts entirely. There are a lot of excuses for not working the legs. Excuses like, “I work my legs on the treadmill” or “squats are bad for my back”. These are lame excuses. Those who choose to skip the lower body workouts fail to realize that challenging leg routines will give a tremendous advantage to both individuals trying to lose weight and

those who want to build more muscle mass. Our legs are packed full of muscle. With intense training of the legs,lifters looking to build mass will release more testosterone and growth hormone giving them more size and strength gains throughout the body. That means you can actually get bigger guns and a broader chest and back by working your legs.

For those who are trying to lose weight, by neglecting the legs you are missing huge muscle groups that can burn tons of calories. The gluteus maximus or “butt muscle” is the largest muscle in the body. Use these large muscles to increase your metabolism and you’ll give a big boost to your weight loss program. If your doing full body resistance training workouts be sure to include exercises like squats and deadlifts that work the glutes and quadriceps along with many of the other muscles in the legs.

Let’s not forget about how odd a well developed upper body and an underdeveloped lower body looks. Besides appearances muscle imbalances can have a negative effect on your body. Muscle imbalances can decrease your flexibility, impair your balance and put you at risk for injuries. If you are an athlete these imbalances can have a huge impact on sports performance as well.

Strong legs can help to reduce the risk of injuries to the back. The muscles of the upper legs including the glutes, quads and hamstrings all play vital roles in stabilizing your trunk and keeping good posture. By strengthening these muscles you will create a base for your core and improve your back health. Weak legs can also increase the risk for falls and injuries to the hips as we get older. Lower-body strength leads to good balance and flexibility which are key to maintaining good overall health.

Regardless of whether you’re trying to gain muscle mass or lose weight and tone up, leg workouts are essential to reaching your goals. Don’t neglect your leg training. Big pipes are for show, but having strong legs is key to building a healthy body. Build your better body from the ground up.

Author Bio: Steve Stark Get Fit & Stay Fit! Steve is a NFPT Certified Personal Trainer with over 15 years of experience training athletes as well as private clients. For expert fitness advice, instructional exercise videos, printable workout routines and 4 or 8 week workout programs visit

Category: Advice
Keywords: leg workouts,fitness,mass building,weight loss,leg training,lower body workouts

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