Manifest Money

When it comes to manifesting things in your life, you have to know the abundance surrounding you. This could be positive and negative, but with the proper approach it will always be positive.

The first step is just acknowledging that it\’s around you.

Once you have an open mind then you can start looking deeper into different areas of your life. Go through your home and look at every room. Then move on to the overall design of the home, the colors, as well as the texture. The idea is to branch out and continue to do so. You can start looking at the outside of your home and enjoy the flower bed, garden, grass, or anything else that feels like an accomplishment. Then it\’s time to take a walk around the neighborhood and see everything around you.

If you want to manifest money then consider sifting through all the things you own today. There is probably something in there that makes your tummy tickle. The point is; if you can do this you will start to access the feeling of abundance. Just look under your nose and it\’s right there! Those who can\’t are too caught up in their daily life and have been taking things for granted for a long time.

Even if you love books or music then think about all the ones you enjoy. Whether it\’s on your computer, iPod, Kindle, or records and books on the shelf; there is abundance that surrounds them. In fact, think about all those vacations you\’ve taken over the years and there will be abundance within them. Take the ocean for example. How much beauty surrounds the blue ocean, sandy beaches, and sunny skies? If you live there it\’s possible that you don\’t feel like it\’s a big deal anymore. The same thing goes for mountains, terrains, or any unbelievable sights where you live or vacation. Connecting with your abundance is going to take all your senses, especially if you want to manifest money.

If you want to get started today then this is what you can do:

Whenever you see a coin on the ground; pick it up! A lot of people think; \”Why in the world would I waste my time picking up a penny?\” Well, it\’s because you\’re going to be manifesting and receiving through the abundance.

What it comes down to is that thoughts lead to actions and actions lead to results. Those who aren\’t manifesting something it\’s because they\’re oblivious to the abundance around them. Then again; they could be ignoring it like the person who doesn\’t pick up the penny. If the universe knows you\’re receptive to a gift or a better financial path then it\’s going to happen sooner than later.

So, let\’s get started right now! The next time you see a penny, pick it up and be thankful.

You will be quite surprised at how powerful gratitude can be. Those who accept their abundance will see doors open while those who don\’t won\’t even know they closed. If you\’re willing to pay attention to your surroundings, accept the receiving end, and be thankful for things that come your way; you will start becoming an abundance magnet. Manifesting money will be right around the corner.

Author Bio:

Category: Advice
Keywords: Ambassador of Manifest Money, Andrea Woolf, Queen of Having it All,, IgniteYo

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