Why Join A Forum Or Social Media For Stay-At-Home Mothers And Fathers Series – Part 2

As in the first article of our series, you can get a great social life online on stay-at-home moms and dads’ communities as well as get lots of useful information.

This last article explores another advantage to join those communities plus how to use and where to find some of them :


When you participate in a stay-at-home mothers and fathers forums and/ or social media you build a sense of community and feel confident with your choices because others like yourself live well legitimately as stay-at-home parents. You’re more likely to:

-Stick to your vision, stay at stay-at-home parent and don’t be influenced by others viewing negatively what you’re doing, which is by the way proven to be excellent for the well-being your kids providing you respond to all their needs.

-Get references, information and sources to improve the lives of each member of your family and go further along on your dream paths – for you, not have to leave your kids in their important years, to return to a job you don’t love, and/or else. You can use your time to live your passions, prepare a career or simply enjoy your daily lives.


I was myself in the position of wanting to share with alike parents. On one side I wanted to write on stay-at-home parenting because I felt I could teach how to be a blissful one and that this can be a taboo subject. There needs to be more information on that and it needs to be mainstream because it’s awesome for our children. But I was also looking for a place to share with moms and dads at home, I just knew I had to put a forum on my site and create groups with social media such as Facebook so we could form a great community.

You can personalize most of those sites to your liking, and even configure them to receive updates on interesting messages directly in your mailbox. For most of them you have to subscribe as a member, which is pretty quick and easy- you have to have an email first, you can get a free one on Hotmail or Gmail. For the forum, you can configure your name and notifications when your become a member. As soon as you’re a facebook or Twitter member your can enter the name of the groups in the search tool and add them to your profile.

You can see all those tools at our Blissful Stay-At-Home Moms and Dads website. You can also have 2 free ebooks on \’\’10 Tips To Be A Blissful Stay-At-Home Parent\’\’ And \’\’Activities For Bored Kids\’\’ along with the ezine, all totally free! Visit us to join our community too and improve your life at : http://www.stay-at-home-parent.com

Author Bio: You can use it for your site! But include this : Marie-Eve Boudreault is a sociologist and the author of the website and ebooks on how to be Blissful Stay-At-Home Moms and Dads. Improve your life by subscribing to her ezine and get 2 free ebooks as a bonus \’\’10 Tips to Be A Blissful Stay-At-Home Parent\’\’ and \’\’Activities For Bored Kids\’\’, a limited double offer! Articles, ebooks, exclusive stay-at-home parent forum, and more at http://www.stay-at-home-parent.com

Category: Parenting
Keywords: stay-at-home mom forum, stay-at-home dads, SAHD, WAHM, work-from-home mom, stay-at-home moms, SAHM

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