Avant Garde Designer Jeans Should Be Worn With Careful Thought

Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis became partners in the nineteenth century when they recognized a better way to manufacture durable men\’s trousers. Davis incorporated copper rivets into the denim to reinforce the stress points in the trousers. The original blue jeans they created for the physical laborers is considered to be the most versatile clothing item in mens fashion today. The worker\’s dungarees evolved into designer jeans.

Forty years\’ ago stonewashed denim fabric was introduced to the fashion industry. This marked designer jeans first entry into the clothing market and attracted more blue jean lovers. The classic Levi Strauss cut was no longer the only brand and design on the market.

Today the question is how to decide what kind of blue jeans to wear. The choices are broad and varied. There are some basic rules of thumb to follow that can help facilitate the selection process. For example, slightly a faded blue denim work well as casual wear. They can be made to look more dressy with a nice sports coat and mens dress shirts.

The straight-leg dark denim jeans makes for a timeless, classic look. Worn with a navy blue blazer and adding mens dress shoes creates a sophisticated final touch. A leather jacket is all that has to be added to change the effect suggesting a street savvy urban look.

There is a formula that the consumer uses to calculate whether or not the cost justifies the frequency in which the trousers are worn. One simply divides the original cost of the item by the approximate number of times it will probably be worn. The CPW formula indicates if they are providing a good amount of wear time for the money. Most men rely on their denim trousers to get them through a day at work right up to a cocktail party.

Heavier set guys should try a more relaxed-fit with a boot cut or wide leg in a dark denim blue. If the trousers need hemming they should be washed first and not be put in a dryer unless more shrinkage is the goal. The hem should be sewn by an expert who knows how to duplicate the signature stitching.

Form fitting trousers in a deep blue denim is a great looking reliable standby. After many decades of wearing this look men have proven that this combination will get them through informal days as well as dressy events. Great looking mens clothing also includes the classic stone washed fabric pair of trousers with the timeless boot cut. This works in situations where one is with friends attending an informal event.

Designer jeans can look timeless or they can date you. This is why it is a good idea to stay away from a bell-bottomed style. One is limited as to where they can be worn and their popularity comes and goes. Sticking to what has worked in the past is the safe bet. The look has been tested over time and is firmly established as one that works.

Author Bio: For all of your men\’s clothing needs, trust the professional experts. Now with online shopping!!

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