Bring Illegals in by TRUCKLOADS

Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.

We’re all concerned about the situation on our southern border and the unfeeling, selfish border states strewing legal obstacles in the path of simple Mexican people yearning to breathe free.

We worry for their safety…the safety of the Mexicans, of course. It\’s bad enough they have to pay large amounts of hard-earned money to a coyote to get them to the border, but then they have to run a gauntlet of unfeeling American border guards when they finally get here.

Of course, the Hesbollah mules carrying fission material up north for the atomic bombs being assembled in the US have lots of money, so they’ll be ok and probably overlooked since they\’re not…Hispanic-looking.

As my current book, No More Time for Sorrow describes, smuggling atomic warheads into the US across the sieve commonly referred to as our southern border is child’s play and is occurring as we speak.

But Obama and his socialist folks have destroyed that conduit! We’ll be able to stand down our border patrols. Those bad old southern states that try to usurp federal authority just won’t be in the spotlight anymore. This cannot fail to have a good effect on our administration’s reputation for caring about US citizens and sharing their personal wealth with indigenous, poverty-stricken, ignorant, but entirely deserving Mexicans.

In a masterful diplomatic maneuver reminiscent of Kissinger at his most skillful, President Obama has made it possible for these Mexicans to be trucked in! And by their own drivers!

Now illegals – excuse me, undocumented immigrants – can be shipped all over the country to appear anywhere and everywhere, thus removing the pressure from those selfish border state governments who simply don’t understand the Open Borders concept.

No longer will the choke point be Arizona and New Mexico. And won’t it be exciting for our Northern states to start getting four buck an hour cleaning services with only the occasional additional rape and murder of a six-year-old girl here and there?

Yes, we’re truly blessed by a President who thinks internationally.

Dr. Robert Beeman, author of No More Time For Sorrow, a novel about the next 9/11 scale attack on the Homeland, this time with atom bombs.

A member of Species Homo Sapiens, Genus WASP-MOFUB: White Anglo Saxon Protestant Male – Old Fat Ugly and Badtempered, holds several advanced degrees a tractor-trailer license certified for HAZMAT, nuclear warheads, live ammunition, and dead irradiated monkeys, has logged a quarter-million miles on motorcycles and flies as a private pilot about whose skill there are opinions.

He lives on eighty acres behind a half-mile driveway with a herd of deer, six motorcycles, the occasional bear, three tuxedos one of which almost still fits, an English car that is British revenge for the Battle of Trenton from the people who gave us Stonehenge, a 1500-volume library, six computers occasionally networked, a depressingly ordinary wine cellar, and Ernie The Rabbit who lives under the deck and has so far eluded the mating pair of redtail hawks that works his valley.

He cuts firewood, paddles a canoe, vacuums rugs, builds buildings, reads The Bible, attend concerts (Mozart, The Stones), wages a losing battle with his reading backlog, writes technical articles that bore even him, programs computers, does laundry and takes from the grill a meatlike substance that guests occasionally eat. He believes all learning is learning and all data are data.

Widowed due to cancer five years ago after thirty great years, his current search for a friend, a companion, a partner in adventure, and most assuredly an eager, ardent lover has produced offers of a degree in neurosurgery from the University of Nairobi for four hundred dollars, and for ninety-nine ninety-five a simple home-surgical procedure to enlarge his penis.

He believes America is the hope of the world, that the citizens who stand in her defense are the hope of America, and about that he does not joke.

Author Bio: Visit No More Time for Sorrow, Visit Dr. Beeman\’s anti-terrorist web site, Visit Dr. Beeman\’s blog site

Category: Politics

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