Common Questions About Dental Implants

For people with missing teeth, they have a number of options available to replace missing teeth such as dentures. However, one effective solution that is being chosen by more people in need of teeth replacement is dental implants. A dental implant is a titanium metal replacement for a tooth root that is implanted in the jawbone by a specially trained dentist or oral surgeon. The bone around the implant fuses to the implant. The implants are then used to anchor dentures, bridges, or crowns. Because more people are discovering dental implants, there is a common set of questions they usually have regarding the implants and the procedure. Below is a list of common questions about dental implants:

What is involved with the dental implant procedure?

You will first be evaluated by your dentist to see if you are a candidate for dental implants. After your assessment, a treatment plan will be created. In some cases where the existing jawbone is not sufficient, bone-grafting procedures may be required to increase the amount of available bone before the implants can be placed.

During the actual implant placement procedure, the dental implants are inserted in the jawbone where they are left for a period to allow the implants to fuse with the bone. The time it takes depends on the quantity and quality of bone. After healing has been completed, the implant is used to support a bridge, dentures, or crown. In some cases, the surgeon will \”load\” the dental implant with new teeth at the same time the implants are placed.

How many implants should be placed?

Generally, one implant is inserted for each tooth replaced, however, the dental surgeon will make that determination. Also, the quality of the bone will determine the number of implants. Your budget will also be a factor in choosing the number of implants. There are some newer techniques such as Permanent Teeth in a Day that allow an entire arch of teeth to be placed on four to six implants.

What is Permanent Teeth in a Day?

Permanent Teeth in a Day is a dental implant technique where only four to six dental implants are placed in the jaw. These implants are then used to support an entire arch (upper or lower) of new prosthetic teeth. It is a popular choice for patients who have been unable to get dental implants due to severe bone loss. The benefits of this treatment include: a one appointment procedure, less implants used which reduces costs, beneficial for people with poor bone quality, and there is almost no chance of having to receive bone grafting.

Will the dental implant procedure be painful?

Compared to more traditional tooth replacement surgical methods, patients generally report much less pain and discomfort associated with dental implants.

How do I clean my fixed teeth?

You clean your teeth with a toothbrush, although a water pick is also recommended.

The above questions are just a few of the commonly asked questions about dental implants. You can get all of your questions answered by a dentist who performs the dental implant procedure. When you know what is involved with Dental Implants, including your options, you will be able to make a more informed decision and you will have a successful procedure.

Author Bio: Transforming lives one smile at a time, Experience Dental Implants Cost and overcome the pitfalls of dentures.

Category: Advice
Keywords: Dental implants,Health,Well Being,Seniors,Dentist,Fitness,Business,Health Care,teeth, Oral, Canada,

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