Different Design and Style Ideas to Create a Whole Range of Skull Rings For Men

Rings are an accessory that not only women love but men do too. There are kinds of rings for different age groups. One of the types of rings most common in boys and men is the gothic biker kind of rings like skull rings for men. Skull rings are not only worn by men but by women too. Those girls or women who have a more sporty nature and are tom boys also love wearing such nasty looking jewelry like skulls and bones. But when it comes to jewelry for men there is some slight difference in the way they are designed. They are given a more manly or boyish look so that they can be differentiated from women’s jewelry. Likewise skull rings for men are more thugs looking and have a more hardcore look to them. The skull rings for men are designed creating images that are more gruesome and hardcore. Most men who are into rap music or the rap industry sport skull rings for men while wearing black rock shirts and sporting tattoos all over their bodies. These are the kind of people who mostly buy skull shaped rings.

Skull shaped rings can have plain skull scriptures on them and sport more thug style skulls or other designs of skull shaped rings in which skulls have sunglasses or bandannas on to give a more pirate look to the jewelry. Skull shaped rings have become more popular especially after the pirate movies were released.

If you are interested in making your own skull shaped rings start by first drawing out onto a piece of paper the basic skull structure using a pencil. Make sure you draw in two sockets for the skulls eyes and make an extended oval shape for skull shaped rings. Then draw horizontal lines that are at least

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