Driving Under the Influence Attracts Severe Punishment

Anyone who is operating a vehicle in most parts of the world will be subject to drunken driving rules and regulations. Each state will have its own laws but the general rule is that the person must not exceed a certain limit of alcohol in the blood. Unfortunately, in all states, if a driver is behind the wheel of a vehicle, even if he is not actually driving, it is deemed that he has given consent to have himself tested for the presence of alcohol. If the police arrive and insist upon tests, he is duty bound to adhere to these commands, but he must contact an OVI attorney at the earliest possible time. An OVI lawyer, or one from any other place, will have all the necessary knowledge to try to help the driver who was caught out.

In this particular state, the driver can refuse to take the test but this will result in an automatic license suspension of one year if it is the first offense. If he fails the test, he will get ninety days suspension of his license so it actually pays to comply with the police in this instance.

If he gets to four or more charges, the driver could end up getting his license suspended for up to five years if he continues to refuse the test. Once tested, and found positive for alcohol or drugs, he will get a three year suspension in this instance. It would seem then that this is trying to force the driver to comply with what the police want so it may pay to go along with whatever is being charged. However, one must always get the advice of the expert in all these cases since mistakes will, and can, happen occasionally.

The law in this state changes for those who are under twenty one years of age. In adults the driver must have less than .08% of alcohol or drugs in the body but for the younger person this changes to between .02% up to .08%. There are several options to this so one must really talk to an expert to find the best way to try to fight the case or to lessen the punishment that is sure to follow a refusal to take the test or, if the test was taken, a blood count higher than those described.

In all cases, this law is put into operation to stop the carnage on the road. Most people adhere to these rules but there are the diehard drinkers or drug takers who like to take the risk. However, taken that the license will be suspended in most cases, one would find it extremely difficult to carry one a normal life without the benefit of the humble car. Those who continually drink and drive will be punished more severely as time goes on until they get the message that this is not allowed. The only thing that one can hope for is that no one gets hurt or killed while the lessons are being learned!

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently worked with a Cincinnati OVI attorney while conducting research for a new article. He hired a Cincinnati OVI lawyer to represent his son.

Category: Legal
Keywords: Cincinnati OVI attorney,Cincinnati OVI Lawyer

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