I Met a White Man Who Walked a Black Dog

Forget the socialism; forget the arrogance. Obama and the Liberal Left have blessed this country far beyond our puny means of repaying him.

Dr. Robert Beeman

The only reason you and I can have this conversation is the Blessing that Mr. Obama gave to us by being elected.

Blessing #1: Mr. Obama evaporated White Slave Guilt. No white man or woman in the country can ever again say to themselves, “Maybe I’m not doing enough to help my fellow black Americans.” For a hundred forty-six years decent white Americans have worried about this. My ancestors fought for the Union and in the process fought slavery. But I grew up wondering if white men, and if I personally as a white man, have done enough to redress.

Now I have the answer. It comes in two parts:

First Part: yes, we Whites have done enough. I didn’t vote for Obama, not because of his black skin, but because of his obnoxious socialism. But he made me look into my soul. When I did, I discovered I view him as just a man like all other men regardless of skin.

Second Part: I’m content with my race’s answer to slavery: we’ve made a black man the most powerful human being on the planet. Remember, it required white people to get this black man elected.

Blessing #2: Black Victimology is fast disappearing. Liberals have used the overseer’s whip of Black Victimology and Entitlement Vanity to harness blacks to their political service. Politically, Democrats have used black victimology to suppress and control black Americans for generations. It works like this:

When an American succeeds it’s because of his white skin but in spite of his black skin.

The Reverends Sharpton and Jackson are not the only Liberals to have milked this teat for power, merely the most visible. They rush here and there Caring and Supporting and Counseling and Succoring and Marching, not realizing that their day of cashing in on Slave Guilt is almost done. And their day of trying to bring fellow blacks just about level – but not quite level – with white Americans, is almost over.

In the Liberal/Progressive world view, black people are to be encouraged to succeed almost to the level of whites, but never quite. This permits Liberals to recycle black victimology over and over, implying that if blacks just trusted the Liberals with all their heart, someday they’d make it. In other words, trust the Overseer on the Federal Plantation and you, too, can be a sort of a white man.

With the election of Barack Obama, nobody’s walking a black dog anymore. No black man or woman in this country can ever again complain to themselves, “Whitey’s keeping me down.” Not only that, blacks are beginning to realize how crushingly insulting is this Liberal victimology rant.

In addition, there’s another harsh wind blowing into the Liberal’s cozy relationship with the black minority…they aren’t the main minority anymore. Latinos have surpassed blacks in numbers in the US, and are fast becoming vocal in their own right. It took Liberals at least two full generations to scrub away the black American’s sense of empowerment and replace it with a handout mentality, but they had the advantage of starting from a basis in hideous racial discrimination that included outright lynchings.

Liberal/Progressives are finding it much harder to shoehorn Latinos into that submissive, subservient relationship to their Liberal overseers. In the first place, latinos have no shared cultural history of slavery. So the idea that they can’t make it in the USA without White Liberal patrons caring for them and sharing their pain just doesn’t resonate in quite the same way. The Liberal’s traditional approach to blacks, that “Ole Liberal Massah jus’ a lubbin evy one a ya” doesn’t seem to play as well with the industrious, self-aware, confident people of La Raza.

To most Latinos this attitude is not only extremely corrosive to their family values, but egregiously degrading. At best they just laugh at their Democrat would-be handlers. At worst, they become Republicans and try to even the score for such a deep insult.
And of course, we’re indebted to our President for a third Blessing, but he couldn’t have done it without the combined talents of Democrat majorities in both Houses of Congress.

Blessing #3: He, and they, showed our entire nation what happens when you let the Power Elite actually run things on their own.

He has lifted the hood off Liberal/Progressive idealistic rhetoric and permitted the rest of us to see the venality, the lies, the arrogance, and the frustrated childishness of a philosophy with no ethical standards, no moral compass, and no real goals beyond accretion of personal power. Never again will any American ever wonder whether Liberal ideology could be good for this nation, whether running things without God and without decency might actually work.

Take a good look, folks. We’re Americans. We have seen the enemy. And if we don’t run these people off and get some serious Americans in leadership positions, as the American philosopher Pogo Possum observed, the enemy will indeed be us.

* Bob Dylan It’s A Hard Rain Gonna Fall, 1962

Author Bio: Dr. Robert Beeman\’s current novel, No More Time for Sorrow, is a rousing adventure story of the next terrorist attack on the Homeland, this time with atom bombs. Let\’s DESTROY global terrorism! Visit No More Time for Sorrow, Visit Dr. Beeman\’s anti-terrorist web site, Visit Dr. Beeman\’s blog site

Category: Politics

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