Michael Jackson and the Death of Racism in America

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To be a successful racist, you have to be able to identify your object of hatred. Without Identifiability, no racism can exist.

Call them subjugants, the people you hate and want to do down, but…not too far down. Or you’ll run out of people to hate. As in liberal social work – do too good a job you run out of clients. And the thoughtful racist, like the successful social worker, will always have at their fingertips a handy way to identify Master from Object.

Black Victimization is the idea that if you succeed in America, it’s because of your white skin but in spite of your black skin. BV has been the mantra of liberal/progressives for at least three generations.

Liberals have thrown billions of dollars at it, hundreds of thousands of college enrollments, and some of the most uninspired, faceless dens of crime and hopelessness built in the early-soviet cubist style of architecture and named various “Projects.”

Black Victimization has always been held up as the antithesis of race hatred. After all, aren’t liberals and Progressives striving mightily to uplift the black culture toward…well, toward something or other?

It’s not politically correct to say you’re ‘lifting’ them toward WHITE culture, so you have to kind of slide on that one. You turn it around against Whitey and say you’re helping blacks dig out from under callous white exclusionism or something like that.

But the end is always the same. Blacks cozy into their entitlements like pups at a food bowl, and as one black author asserts, they\’ve slowly exchanged personal initiative for a desire to do whatever’s necessary in order to stay on what she calls the “federal plantation.” And in the process they vote huge Democratic majorities. Call it vote-buying if you like. I do.

In the real world, however, the idea of Black Victimization is the most egregious form of racism since the slave block because it’s always smeared over with a smarmy gratuitous love-fest emanating from people who wouldn’t live in the Projects themselves and sure wouldn’t want any of those people living next door to them.

So liberals leverage and legislate and mob their culture to raise black prospects almost to White levels…but not quite. After all, if blacks began thinking they could get ahead in America without the tender caring and sharing of white liberal/progressives…ah, but let’s not go there!

Combine the liberal/progressive’s fierce drive to actually be worth something in modern society with a the prospect of a ready-made voting base, and you have the stuff that dreams are made of. The idea of internal feelings of empowerment among blacks that they ginned up on their own is just too horrible to contemplate.

Trouble is, enough black folks have already made it on their own through their own intelligence and their own talents to give Black Victimization a bad rap if only among blacks who stand tall from their own intellect and achievement.

White liberal/progressives shun these self-made blacks because they didn’t need white help. And vice versa. What successful, self-fulfilled black professional or journeyman tradesman or talented artist is going to attribute that success to Massah lubbin\’ evy one a dem?

And the last nail in Black Victimization’s coffin is the uncomfortable fact that a black man has been made the most powerful human being on the planet…by whites. By American whites. So if Whitey does this for Blacky, where’s the ‘overseer?’ Where’s the victim?

Some whites who distance themselves from blacks do so from hearing generations of liberal progressives asserting that black culture is somehow “special” and “better,” more vibrant than white culture.

They’re not especially racist, these whites. They don’t have the drive and initiative to develop a really viable, workable hatred of blacks in the classic sense; they’re just tired of having their white noses rubbed in it by other whites who ought to know better.

The clearest evidence of this is in the backlash against Affirmative Action, a process of lauding skin color over the content of your character used to redress generations of Jim Crow in education and the marketplace.

Of course, say opponents, that was then and this is now, and everything was evened up years ago. But liberal/progressives will never let go of a good entitlement as long as they can milk it, so AA is likely always to be with us.

And the chant never changes:

“You’re black; you need help!”

How insufferably insulting.

Classic racism is the same whether practiced by white supremacists or liberal/progressive caregivers because Identifiability works both ways. To borrow from the author’s plantation metaphor, when liberal/progressive overseers minister to their black field hands, it’s imperative that they care and share openly and publicly in full view of whites whom they hope will either join them or suffer guilt for not. And to care and share your way into some black guy’s life and achieve the proper spin while whites look on riddled with White Slave Guilt…he’s got to be identifiably black.

Enter Michael Jackson.

Thank you, Michael. Dead or alive, intentionally or not, you are killing white racism dead. Deader, now that America’s credit rating has been trashed by the socialist in the White House, than President Obama\’s hopes for a legacy higher than being seen as the Mr. Bojangles of international finance.

On the other hand, you, Mr. Jackson, have taken the trouble and expense through years and millions of dollars to transform yourself from a young, identifiably black, man into a middle-aged androgynous white. You shown to all that it CAN be done and WILL be done.

In so doing you have destroyed the racist’s ability to identify the object of hatred. And you have thereby contributed more toward killing racism in America than all the protests and all the food stamps in Christendom. How can you hate black people successfully if you can’t identify them as black?

Additionally, all racism is exclusionary. To be a truly effective racist you must shun the subjugant race you have chosen to hate. But after Michael Jackson’s transformation black to white, how can you, a proud, bona fide paid-up, card-carrying white supremacist, know whom you’re eating with? Or, worse [and to an advocate of racial \”purity\” much, much worse] whom you’re SLEEPING with?

Might be a fellow white…or…might a black with enough jack to have TURNED white! A hideous prospect to any racist worthy of his David Duke lapel pin!

Might even cause old Dr. David himself to roll in his grave except he’s not technically dead. But, my friends, I can hear the creaking from American Nazi Party chief George Lincoln Rockwell’s urn even as we speak.

Author Bio: Dr. Robert Beeman\’s current novel, No More Time for Sorrow, is an action story of the next terrorist attack on the Homeland this time with atom bombs. Let\’s DESTROY global terrorism! Visit No More Time for Sorrow, Visit Dr. Beeman\’s anti-terrorist web site, Visit Dr. Beeman\’s blog site

Category: Politics

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