Pain Management: Little Things go a Long Away

Some people suffer from chronic pain because of trauma, injuries and diseases like cancer, diabetes, shingles and arthritis. Most people, however, have chronic pain owing to years of strain and damage to the body. The body may be damaged by abuse from sports activities and even in ordinary daily activities. Simple activities like sitting in an office chair all day without stretching the muscles once in a while can contribute to chronic pain as one ages. Standing for long periods of time and years of sporting improper posture can also cause damage to the body. As a rule, anything that puts excessive or constant strain on the body can become a source of chronic pain later on.

Constant and repetitive activities which are seemingly not strenuous like using a computer for several hours can cause muscle and joint pains especially in the neck, shoulders, arms and wrists. What can we do then to avoid chronic pain when the activities causing it are indispensable to our work and in our lives? The answer is pain management.

Pain management does not only refer to the treatment of aches and pains. It also involves the application of measures and techniques in handling pain and avoiding damage to the body. For instance, using pads to support forearms and shoulders while using a computer have proven to be very effective in reducing muscle pain and tension especially in the neck and shoulders. Various other pain management techniques may also be used such as aligning the computer monitor to the proper eye level. This prevents straining the neck too much. Adjusting the height of the computer table is also important so that the arms and wrists can comfortably rest on the working surface. To avoid straining the back and shoulders, the chair may also be adjusted to a more comfortable height. Sometimes, using the mouse and the keyboard can add strain and cause pain to the wrists and arms as well. Using a wrist pad or adjusting the distances of the mouse and keyboard to your body will usually minimize the discomfort. It is equally important to stand up, walk around a bit and do stretching exercise once in every few hours. Also, keeping your back straight and maintaining the correct and proper posture when working on a computer will alleviate back pain. In fact, having good posture all day will do wonders for your pain. One should keep in mind that these little things which seem so trivial will go a long way in managing or even preventing chronic pain.

It is a fact that chronic pain greatly affects worker efficiency and productivity. Pain also affects a person’s disposition, mood and work ethics. Industries like call centers, companies which are into software development and other offices whose employees are constantly working in front of computers will enjoy more output and greater productivity if they invest on proper facilities and equipment which promote pain-free working conditions.

Seomul Evans is a senior Online Marketing Services consultant and Dental Marketing expert for leading Dallas Pain Management Clinic.

Seomul Evans is a senior online Marketing Services consultant and expert for leading Dallas Pain Management Clinic.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a senior Online Marketing Services consultant and Dental Marketing expert for leading Dallas Pain Management Clinic.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Medical, health, healthcare, pain, doctors, physicians, hospitals, surgery, surgeons, clinic

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