The Advantages of Dental Implants

For people who have missing teeth, they know how insecure it makes them feel in public and they know how difficult it is to eat and speak normally. Dentures can be an unpleasant solution as they can often slip around in the mouth and they have to be taken out and cleaned throughout the day. One effective solution is dental implants. When inserted into the bone for a tooth replacement procedure, dental implants provide a strong permanent base for replacement teeth. The replacement teeth are made to match the patient\’s natural teeth. People who get dental implants will benefit from the many advantages this dental solution offers.

Some of the advantages of getting dental implants include:

Improved Oral Health: When a patient gets dental implants, it is not necessary to reduce the adjacent teeth the way a tooth-supported bridge would require. More of the patient\’s own teeth are left intact because adjacent teeth are not altered. This can lead to an improvement in oral health. In addition, the dental implants support the bone which reduces or eliminates bone deterioration.

Comfort: Because the dental implants fuse to the jaw bone, there is no slippage as you often see with denture wearers. Instead of resting against the gums like a denture, the new teeth are supported by the dental implants. With no slipping and sliding, there is no scraping of the gums. This means no sore spots or pain.

Better Appearance: The teeth that are supported by dental implants look and feel like your own teeth. Because they are designed to fuse with bone, dental implants are a permanent dental solution. Self-esteem is improved as there is no longer any insecurity about smiling and laughing.

Improved Speech and Teeth Function: When people wear dentures, they often have to deal with dentures slipping in their mouth. This can cause speech to sound slurred or mumbled. With dental implants you can speak normally because the teeth can be permanently fixed. As well, slipping dentures can make chewing a challenge. Dental implant supported teeth function like original teeth allowing people to chew and eat normally.

Strong and Durable: Dental implants are very strong and durable and are long lasting. They can even last a lifetime when properly maintained. Best of all, you clean them just like you would your original teeth. That is, cleaning with a dental toothbrush and dental floss.

Another option that is available to some patients is Permanent Teeth in a Day. This involves the extraction of any remaining teeth in the upper and or lower jaw. Four to six dental implants are placed in the jaw and the new, prosthetic teeth (in the shape of a horseshoe) are permanent affixed to the dental implants. The beauty of this treatment is that it can usually be performed in a single day. Allowing you to get back to your day to day sooner.

For any one suffering from loss of teeth or periodontal disease, the benefits Dental Implants are well worth exploring further.

Author Bio: Transforming lives one smile at a time, Experience Dental implant and overcome the pitfalls of dentures.

Category: Advice
Keywords: Dental implants,Health,Well Being,Seniors,Dentist,Fitness,Business,Health Care,teeth, Oral, Canada,

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