Weighing the Odds For Reversal Vasectomy: Thoughts to Ponder

When it comes to birth control options, women can take refuge in so many choices. From pills to IUDs, these contraceptive options are always there and available. But when it comes to a truly effective birth control option, only a few can rival the efficacy of vasectomy. This procedure is simply the cutting of the tubes that facilitate the transport of the sperm to the semen from the testicles. With no sperm getting in contact with the egg cell, pregnancy is out of the question. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the bliss of married life without having to worry about the woman getting pregnant. In fact others are saying that having this procedure is like having a free and constant contraception working.

This is generally considered as a permanent procedure but this doesn’t stop the men in many countries including the United States to reverse the effects of vasectomy. The procedure is called vasectomy reversal or others know it as vasovasostomy. There are a number of reasons forwarded why the reverse is chosen. Others consider the procedure in order to get another shot at fatherhood. Others report to that need to pro-create once again after they have re-married. The decisions are many, and all these have contributed to the popularity of the reversal procedure.

Vasectomy reversal as a popular procedure in the US
The popularity of the reversal procedure in the US can serve as one inspiration in trying to decide in its favor. This kind of procedure has been around for many decades now, and right now the popularity of the procedure is at its peak. According to latest statistics on the subject, there are around 30,000 men undergo the reversal procedure every year.
Reversal is not 100 percent successful

There may thousands of success stories heard and written about the subject, but still it should be noted that this procedure will not be 100 percent effective all the time. The thought of getting a shot at fatherhood again after vasectomy can be a tempting proposition for thousands of men, but those interested should not be overly excited. There is room for failure too, and there’s a chance that this failure can be in your case. There is a common belief that one reason that contributes to a ‘failure’ is the inability of the body of the man to recognize its own sperm right after the reversal procedure. The body tends to produce anti-bodies to its own sperm, thus shooting the chances of promoting pregnancy.

Time is another important element that comes into play when making a woman pregnant after the reversal procedure. Though the procedure may have been identified as successful, still the chances of getting a girl pregnant will be dependent on the time in between the vasectomy and the decision to get a reversal procedure. If a man decides that a reversal is necessary three years after the vasectomy, then the success rate is 97 percent but the chance of getting a woman pregnant is 76 percent. This number goes down if there is a large time span between the vasectomy and the reversal procedure. And if vasectomy doesn’t work, then there is always a second procedure and this is often recommended. Another option is to get the frozen sperm sourced during the first vasectomy reversal. Or if a frozen sperm is not present still fatherhood can be realized through in-vitro fertilization.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading Vasectomy Reversal Articles blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility, men\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s health

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