When is it Necessary to Hire a Criminal Defence Lawyer

From time to time, television features dramatic true crime stories where innocent men were thrown in jail. Sometimes there are long, drawn out trials, and the particulars of certain cases happen to be aligned in such a way as to make an innocent man appear guilty. But the worst of all these episodes occurs when an innocent person spoke about the case to the police without first consulting his lawyer. Whenever you have been charged with a crime you must first seek representation. However, there will be times that are less obvious too, and even if a situation doesn’t scream lawyer right away there are times where getting a lawyer as soon as possible is crucial to your success in court.

Beginning with the dramatic scene that’s probably most familiar to us from television, the police will tell you, as we all know from television, “you have the right to remain silent, anything said will be held against you in a court of law.” Listen to them! They are legally required to say that because seeking legal counsel in such a situation isn’t only wise, but your freedom may depend on it. If you find yourself guided by policemen in handcuffs, say nothing until your lawyer is present!

It would hardly be surprising to feel tremendous anxiety at the time of arrest, but seeking a lawyer immediately must be held to be the most important. There are stories of innocent people being manipulated by overzealous district attorney’s into actually changing their story so that they indicate that they’re guilty. They believe that if only they can say something that will end the questioning session then their innocence will bear out in court. However, once their voice is recorded saying on tape the particulars of crimes they come across as overwhelmingly guilty before a jury. It’s only possible for them to describe a crime they didn’t commit because in the process of questioning they were led to believe certain things-the crime was put forward to them in detail and then they were made to believe they were responsible for it. It’s hard to believe, but this case can only exist because the people being questioned didn’t first seek out a criminal lawyer.

You might not be put into a situation so dramatic. If you’re carted away in handcuffs a good many of us know to seek representation first. But there are lots of other times you’ll need representation where a situation doesn’t announce itself so loudly. Other times where a criminal lawyer is appropriate include: impaired or reckless driving, assault and battery, child pornography, domestic abuse, firearms, being in possession of the proceeds of crime, soliciting, various white collar crimes, and lots more. In all these cases there won’t be a red-light that goes off the first second you ought to call a lawyer, but if you have the right wherewithal you’ll have the presence of mind to know when to consort with legal representation.

Author Bio: Adam Weisberg 6 Adelaide St E, Toronto, ON M5C 1T6 (416) 603-3344 is a Criminal lawyers in Toronto that is committed to providing exceptional and dedicated client services should you need assistance in facing criminal charges.

Category: Legal
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