8 Best Secrets to Care For Your Hair & Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss is definitely one of the most dreaded problems you may have with your locks. Yes, it is normal to lose a hundred in a day, but you have to make some good effort to ensure that you keep what remains on your head. To make sure that you don’t lose it, here are eight effective hair secrets that you can keep.

1. We can’t stress enough the importance of a healthy lifestyle in order to come up with a healthy head of hair. You need to cut back on stress, quit smoking and alcohol and start eating healthy because this will shine through your hair. Too much fats and cholesterol in your diet can cause it to be dull and lifeless.

2. Get enough sleep to keep your head rejuvenated. Along with that, it is important to remove any hair accessories before you hit the hay to prevent any strain and damage. You can even have a smooth scarf or some silky cloth wrapped around your head to prevent friction between your hair and the pillowcase.

3. Wet your hair generously before you apply a dollop of shampoo. Gently lather and massage your hair for a couple of minutes before rinsing it with cold water. This will help seal in the moisture better.

4. One of the things that cause hair breakage and eventually hair loss is constantly blow drying it. Towels dry your hair first so that there will be much lesser time for blow drying to prevent the damage from the constant barrage of heat.

5. You can dampen you comb or brush before you use it to lessen static electricity which can cause to pull out some hairs. In addition to this, trichologists (hair experts) suggest that you invest in a good brush because this can really affect the treatment your hair receives daily.

6. Certain conditions such as iron deficiency or thyroid problems can cause hair loss. To help reduce the impact of these conditions what you can do is to load up on spinach, broccoli, vitamins A and C. This can help boost your sebum production which makes your hair stronger, healthier and naturally shiny.

7. Be careful not to apply hair products directly to the scalp and forget to wash it before going to bed. This can clog up the pores on your head and if not washed properly this will can lead to hair loss.

8. Do not braid or tie your hair when it is wet because this is a point when they are most vulnerable. By tying it too often especially when they are not completely dry can aggravate what we would call traction alopecia (alopecia caused by too much pressure placed on the hair).

If hair loss is taking over your life and if no amount of lifestyle change and medication just wouldn’t cut it, then your next best option would be to get a hair transplant. This will also give you a permanent answer to your hair loss problem.

Dr. Andrew Kim specializes in surgical hair transplant surgery and is committed in providing his clients the most satisfactory results. He has a team of highly-skilled hair transplant technicians who address the needs of their clients after a thorough consultation. They operate in Australia including Sydney and Melbourne.

The Advance Beauty Cosmetic Clinic (http://www.advancecosmetic.com/eng/) headed by Dr. Ahnsup Andrew Kim. He has a team of highly-skilled hair transplant technicians who address the needs of their clients after a thorough consultation. They operate in Australia including Sydney and Melbourne.

Author Bio: Dr. Andrew Kim specializes in surgical hair transplant surgery and is committed in providing his clients the most satisfactory results. He has a team of highly-skilled hair transplant technicians who address the needs of their clients after a thorough consultation. They operate in Australia including Sydney and Melbourne.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hair transplant, hair transplantation,hair implant,dr andrew kim,hair loss solution

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