Importance and Advantages of Poultry Farming and What People Can Gain From It?

Poultry farming is the practice of raising domesticated birds. Such birds may include turkeys, ducks, chicken or geese. Due to numerous benefits of poultry farming, many farmers prefer to invest in this kind of farming. It is usually carried out for purpose of production of meat, eggs as well as revenue from these products. For instance billions of chickens are raised annually as a source of food from their meat and eggs.

Over the years, it has been known to have numerous benefits. First, this type of farming does not require high capital to start. Starting poultry farming requires just basic capital to start their farming. Various birds of poultry farming are not costly in terms of their purchase. For instance, to purchase a chick when starting chicken farming, it will cost less than two dollars per chick.

Secondly, poultry farming does not require a big space unless when it is carried out in large commercial basis. Domestic farmers will require a small space within allowed residential areas where they can begin the activity. This, therefore, means that any one interested in poultry farming does not necessarily require large piece of land to carry out this kind of activity.

In addition, it is preferred due to its high return over a short period of time. Many poultry birds take a shorter duration of time to mature, some taking less than a year. Due to this fact, there revenues generated will be high since the birds maturity does not take a lot of time before they are sold or consumed.

Another important fact of poultry farming is readily available market for poultry products. High demands for Chicken, turkeys and other poultry products has been to rise other the years. Many poultry farmers take advantage of readily available global markets by producing poultry products for export. The diversity of poultry products is also another importance. These products range from meat, eggs and feathers. For instance, a chicken will both meat and eggs.

It is important to indicate that poultry farming does not require high maintenance for structures. With proper hygiene and care, diseases in poultry farming will be minimized and therefore, minimizing the cost of this kind of farming. Additionally, there are less diseases involving poultry farming and they depend on the birds kept. Birds like turkey are known to suffer less poultry diseases and therefore, any farmer keeping these kinds of birds will be guaranteed a high return from their farming.

Another advantage is less legal requirements when starting this kind of farming. Depending on the area, one may be required to obtain a license from the relevant authority to start poultry farming. However, in most cases, no license will be required. This is due to the fact that it involves domestic birds.

Poultry farming provides fresh food. This is a great importance and a reason why poultry farming is extensively practiced in many regions. Consumers of poultry products prefer them due to their freshness and nutrients. The products are also readily available. As a matter of fact, poultry products are not much costly and this means that majority of people can afford such products.

In conclusion, poultry farming is one of the activities known to have immense benefits. It has fewer impacts on the environment. This kind of farming does not pollute the environment. Additionally, the by-products have an economical value. Manure from poultry farming can be used in crop farming or be sold to generate more revenue.

Poultry farming is available only in local rural places. Forming Poultry units need a low budget and a small land. So it is like generating income that is sufficient for the rural population. Click here for Hatcheries

Poultry farming is a subcategory of animal husbandry, which majors in the chicken rearing, but other domestic birds can be included.
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Author Bio: Poultry farming is available only in local rural places. Forming Poultry units need a low budget and a small land. So it is like generating income that is sufficient for the rural population. Click here for Hatcheries

Category: Pets
Keywords: Poultry farming, Hatcheries, Poultry diseases, Poultry Breeds

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